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Andre Zeumault

Research Intern (2012)

Andre Zeumault
Andre Zeumault

Archival Content
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Andre Zeumault is a 2012 research intern in the Applied Sciences Grop (ASG).

He was born and raised in Seattle and attended Garfield High School (class of 2004).  After moving to California, he obtained his B.S. in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California at Berkeley in 2010.  He is a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the Berkeley working in professor Vivek Subramanian’s printed electronics group in the electrical engineering department.

Andre specializes in materials and device characterization; his major course of study is in electrical engineering with minor in physics and material science.  The science of his Ph.D. involves understanding the peculiar mobility enhancement of metal-oxide semiconductors due to high-k dielectrics.  The engineering aspect involves exploiting this understanding in the design of TFTs so as to achieve field-effect mobility values which are comparable to sputtered oxide films.

Andry loves all things concerning nature and physics, and especially enjoys reading books on its pedagogy and modern theory in his spare time—when he’s not busy taking pictures and videos of his curious black-and-white Siberian cat named Mouska or out on an adventure with his wife or friends.
