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Daming Xu

Research Intern (2015)

Daming Xu
Daming Xu

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Daming Xu is a 2015 research intern in the Applied Sciences Group (ASG).  He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Optics at College of Optics and Photonics (CREOL) from University of Central Florida (UCF). Before that, he received a B.S. degree in Information Engineering from Southeast University in 2011.

His research at UCF focuses on liquid crystal material characterization and device design for display and photonic applications. These include material development and device designs for achieving fast response time, outstanding image quality, superior color performance, low power consumption, etc. He is particularly interested in high-performance in-plane switching LCDs and some emerging display technologies (e.g. blue phase liquid crystals, quantum-dot backlight, etc.). He has 4+ years hands-on research experience on liquid crystal material characterization and device design.

As of April 2015, he has published one book chapter, 21 journal papers, 14 international conference papers and one US patent pending. He is the recipient of Society for Information Display (SID) Distinguished Student Paper Award (two years in a row) and SPIE Research Excellence Award. He was President of SID student chapter at UCF in 2014.
