What are the dates for BlueHat?

BlueHat will take place on May 16th and 17th, 2024.

Where is the event being held?

The event will take place at the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC) located at: HICC Complex (Near HITEC City), Hyderabad, Telangana 500 081.

Where can I find the agenda?

The agenda will be released later in April 2024.

Is transportation being provided?

At this time there will be no transportation provided to and from the venue, as transportation is to be secured on your own.

What time will registration/event check-in be open?

Check-in will be open starting at 8:00am IST on both days – 16th and 17th May 2024.

Will the sessions be recorded for later viewing?

YES! Videos will be posted on our BlueHat website in the weeks following the conference.

Will T&E be covered for attendees?

Microsoft will not cover travel and accommodation costs for this event. If you plan to attend Bluehat 2024, you will need to secure travel and accommodation on your own. 

Will T&E be covered for speakers? 

If you are speaking at the event and feel you have not yet been provided with details on travel and accommodation, please reach out to bluehat24speakers@microsoft.com

How do I submit a session?

The Call for Papers has closed.

How do I make a request for accessibility needs.

If you have a special need at the event, please ensure you provide the information on your registration form. If for some reason you missed providing that information when registering, please reach out to bluehat24reg@microsoft.com

I registered for the event but need to cancel due to unforeseen circumstances. How do I cancel my registration? 

We understand things do happen and fully appreciate your schedule. If for any reason you are no longer able to attend, please reach out to bluehat24reg@microsoft.com

I have another question that hasn’t been answered here, who can I reach out to?

We’re happy to answer any questions you might have. Please reach out to us at  bluehat24reg@microsoft.com and we will help you navigate for appropriate response(s).