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Microsoft Research Lab – Asia

MSRA Collaborative Research 2019 Grant Awards Announcement

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Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA) Collaborative Research Program is a vital platform for faculty members in Asia working together with MSRA researchers on mutually interested topics. We aspire to foster talents and establish Microsoft as a valuable research and technology partner for higher education in Asia.

Since the announcement of Call for Proposals in mid-July, there has been a large number of submissions. MSRA Collaborative Research Program Committee carefully reviewed them based on the state-of-the-art and common research interests. Now we are pleased to announce 40 awards. The awardees are from 26 universities and institutes in China mainland, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and Singapore.

“MSRA is committed to open collaborative research with academia,” said Dr. Tim Pan, Senior Director of Microsoft Research Asia Outreach. “By the joint force of MSRA and academia, we believe that each of the grants will advance research and inspire innovations to be shared broadly. We look forward to presenting our collaborative projects at Microsoft Research events.”

If you have questions, please contact us by email at msrarfp@microsoft.com. Thank you.

2019 Awarded Projects and Awardees (In alphabetical order by awardee’s last name)

Identifying Personas Using Video Analytics

Rajesh BALAN, Singapore Management University

Explainable Unseen Image Generation for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

Hyeran BYUN, Yonsei University

Neural Machine Translation with Image Region Pivoted Comparable Sentences

Chenhui CHU, Osaka University

Artificial Intelligence in Rehabilitation

Yubo FAN, Beihang university

Causality Understanding in Video

Bohyung HAN, Seoul National University

Conversational Question Answering from Unstructured Data

Minlie HUANG, Tsinghua University

Non-factoid Question Answering as Grounded Question-guided Summarization

Seung-won HWANG, Yonsei University

Weakly Supervised Video Object Segmentation

Xiangyang JI, Tsinghua University

Development of automatic Labanotation estimation system from video using Deep Learning

Hiroshi KAWASAKI, Kyushu University

High-Quality Texture Reconstruction for Real-Time 3D Scanning from RGB-D input


Distributed Low-Precision Learning of Neural Machine Translation

James Tin-Yau KWOK, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Transfer from Simulation to the Real World with Uncertainties for AI Curling Robot System

Seong-Whan LEE, Korea University

Immersive biology – an interactive microscope system for informal biology education

Seung Ah LEE, Yonsei University

3D Caricature Generation

Seungyong LEE, POSTECH

Robust and Efficient System Architecture for AI Applications with Effective Path

Jingwen LENG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Disentangled Feature Learning for Natural Language

Shou-De LIN, National Taiwan University

Intelligent Medical Aide via Multi-Modal Video/Image Analytics

Jiaying LIU, Peking University

Facial Attribute Editing and Transfer Based on GANs

Si LIU, Beihang University

Automated Test Case Generation from User Review for Mobile Applications

Ting LIU, Xi’an Jiaotong University

On-Device Mobile Edge AI with Better Performance and Privacy

Xuanzhe LIU, Peking University

Correlation-robust analysis in stochastic optimization and mechanism design

Pinyan LU, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Improving the Efficiency of Distributed Persistent Memory Systems with Emerging High-Performance Hardware

Youyou LU, Tsinghua University

Inter-learner shadowing framework for comprehensibility-based assessment of learners’ speech

Nobuaki MINEMATSU, The University of Tokyo

Blockchain-Enabled Incentive and Trading Mechanism Design for AIoT Service Platform

Ai-Chun PANG, National Taiwan University

Food recognition and health management for standardized canteen

Xueming QIAN, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Intuitive Design of Information Graphics for the Masses

Huamin QU, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Leveraging Acoustic Dispersion for Ubiquitous Touch Interface on Solid Surfaces


Labanotation-Based Human Motion Recognition from Videos and Automatic Robot Programming

Jun TAKAMATSU, Nara Institute of Science and Technology

Automated Neural Architecture Construction with OpenPAI

Mingkui TAN, South China University of Technology

Graph-structured Knowledge Base Management and Applications

Hongzhi WANG, Harbin Institute of Technology

Heterogeneous Person Re-identification

Yang Wu / Zheng Wang, Nara Institute of Science and Technology / National Institute of Informatics

Minimizing Network Footprint in Distributed Deep Learning

Hong XU, City University of Hong Kong

Event-driven Emphemeral Social Network: Estimation, Prediction and Application

Tong XU, University of Science and Technology of China

Numerical/quantitative system for common sense natural language processing

Hiroaki YAMANE, RIKEN AIP & The University of Tokyo

Sensorless Sensing with WiFi

Zheng YANG, Tsinghua University

General Dynamic Regret for Online Learning

Lijun ZHANG, Nanjing University

Interpreting Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing

Quanshi ZHANG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Research on Deep Learning Framework for Julia

Yu ZHANG, University of Science and Technology of China

Early Action Prediction by Knowledge Distillation

Wei-Shi ZHENG, Sun Yat-sen University

Scalable and Inductive Graph Representation Learning on Large Knowledge Graphs

Lei ZOU, Peking University