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On-premises data gateway - Euskara

NDeskarga honetarako jarraibideak aurki izango dira zure hizkuntzan ere. Bien bitartean, ingelesez eskaintzen ditugu jarraibideak.

Garrantzitsua! Jarraian hizkuntza bat aukeratzen baduzu, dinamikoki aldatuko da orriko eduki osoa hautatutako hizkuntzara.

  • Bertsioa:






    Fitxategiaren tamaina:

    814.4 MB

    The data gateway can be deployed centrally and allows you to manage data connections for multiple cloud apps so you need to install only one gateway to enable cloud to on-premises data connections. Once the gateway is installed, it is available in all supported apps and can be used to set up multiple on-premises data connections.
  • Sistema eragile bateragarriak

    Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022, Windows 11

    .Net Framework 4.5.2 or greater
  • Run the downloaded executable to install and configure the on-premises data gateway