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Published Sep 30, 2008 | Updated Sep 15, 2017


Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus

Aliases: Win-Trojan/Zlob.22528.CF (AhnLab) Downloader.Zlob (AVG) Trojan.Downloader.Zlob.ABRP (BitDefender) Win32/Crushpy!generic (CA) Win32/TrojanDownloader.Zlob.BSR (ESET) Troja-Downloader.Win32.Zlob.cos (Kaspersky) Puper (McAfee) Mal/Generic-A (Sophos) Downloader.MisleadApp (Symantec) Trojan.Zlob.Gen.49 (VirusBuster) Trojan:Win32/Zlob.gen!M (other)


Trojan:Win32/Zlob.KM is detection for a component of the greater Win32/Zlob malware family. This variant displays fake notices about being infected with various viruses and spyware and asks the victim if they wish to download a “current” version of antivirus software - which is actually rogue security software.
Manual removal is not recommended for this threat. To detect and remove this threat and other malicious software that may have been installed, run a full-system scan with an up-to-date antivirus product such as the Microsoft Safety Scanner ( For more information, see
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