Trace Id is missing

Microsoft office locations

For addresses and phone numbers, choose a location

Africa + Middle East

Côte d'Ivoire Regional Office Supports: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Congo (DRC), Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, St. Helena, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.

Gulf Regional Office Supports: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates.

Kenya Regional Office Supports: Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania, Uganda.

Lebanon Regional Office Supports: Afghanistan.

Morrocco Regional Office Supports: Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

South Africa Regional Office Supports: Lesotho, Swaziland.

  • Algeria Business Center
    Pins Maritimes

    Téléphone : +213 21 89 10 70
    Fax : +213 21 89 10 76
    Service à la clientèle: +213 21891070

  • Condominio Bengo /2nd floor
    Street- Fernao de Sousa
    Vila -Alice /Luanda

    Contact details- +244 222443377

  • Immeuble Karrath – 4ème étage
    31, Avenue Noguès Plateau
    Côte d'Ivoire

    Phone: +225 20 310500
    Fax: +225 20 322460

  • Smart Village
    Kilo 28, Cairo/Alex Desert Road
    Abou Rawash
    Cairo, Egypt

    Phone: +202 16880
    Fax: +202 35390303

  • 9th Floor, Movenpick Emporium Building
    Movenpick Ambassador Hotel,
    Independence Avenue
    Accra, Ghana
  • Dubai Internet City
    Building No 8
    Sheikh Zayed Road
    P O Box 52244
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

    Phone: +9714 391 7000
    Fax: +9714 391 7001

  • (Microsoft North Africa, East Med and Pakistan Subsidiary (Microsoft Lebanon Office
    Microsoft Lebanon SARL
    Berytus Parks, 4th Flr
    French Ave, Mina AlHosn, Solidere
    Beirut, Lebanon
    PO Box 11-1850

    Phone: +9611983344
    Microsoft Iraq Email:
    Fax: +9611983349

  • רחוב הפנינה 2
    רעננה 43107

    טלפון: 972-9-7625400
    פקס: 972-9-7625200
    מרכז שירות הלקוחות של (Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care Center: 972-9-7625400


    2 HaPnina Street
    Ra'anana 43107

    Tel: 972-9-7625400
    Fax: 972-9-7625200
    Microsoft Customer Care Center: +972-9-7625400

  • End of Mecca Street
    King Hussein Business Park
    Building GH3, 2nd Floor
    P.O. BOX 3321
    Amman 11181- Jordan

    Phone: +962 6 5503444
    Fax: +962 6 503456

  • 8th Floor, The Oval Building
    Ring Road, Westlands
    P.O. Box 64736 - 00620 Nairobi, Kenya

    Phone: +254 20 2868000/2712437/2728196/2722066
    Fax: +254 20 2722999

  • Berytus Park Building, 4th floor
    Corner of Park Avenue & Avenue Francaise
    Minet El Hosn
    Beirut, Lebanon

    Phone: 00961 1 98 33 44


    Contact person for NGOs
    Nadine Andraos Chaer

    Support Information
    For Product activation, please dial 01 974 035 or send an email to:
    For Customer Services & Technical Support, please dial 01 974081 or send an email to:
    For Premier Support, Please Dial +971 439 17788
    Customer Support Line :+9611974081

  • مبنى دانية
    طريق الشط
    طرابلس، ليبيا

    هاتف: + 218 21 351 3972 – 73
    فاكس + 218 21 351 3974


    Dania Building
    Al-Shatt Road
    Tripoli, Libya

    Tel: + 218 21 351 3972 – 73
    Fax: + 218 21 351 3974

  • Twin Center
    Tour A - 15ème étage
    Bd Zerktouni

    Téléphone : (212) 522 95 61 50
    Fax : (212) 522 95 85 85
    Service à La Clientèle : +212801000809


    Microsoft Rabat
    68, angle avenue Omar Ibn Khattab et rue Oukaimeden

    Téléphone : (212) 537 68 35 35
    Fax : (212) 537 68 27 85
    Service à La Clientèle : +212801000809

  • Lagos
    Microsoft Nigeria
    6th Floor, Civic Towers
    Ozumba Mbadiwe Road, beside Caverton Helicopters
    Victoria Island, Lagos.

    Phone : +234 (1) 4621100
    Fax : +234 (1) 4621158


    Rivers House
    4th Floor, Central Business District
    Abuja, Nigeria.

    Phone : +234 (9) 2907746-7
    Fax : +234 (9) 4611337

  • Microsoft Arabia, Riyadh
    The Business Gate, Building A2
    Airport Road, Cordobah
    P. O. Box 47007, Riyadh 11552, Saudi Arabia

    Phone: +966 (11) 2988555
    Fax: +966 (11) 2988444


    Microsoft Arabia, Khobar
    Al-Rashed Towers, 12th Floor
    King Fahad Road, Bandaria
    P. O. Box 2615, Khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia

    Phone: +966 (13) 8873636
    Fax: +966 (13) 8873535


    Microsoft Arabia, Jeddah
    Jameel Square, 7th Floor, Office № 709
    Prince Moh’d Bin Abdulaziz Street (Tahlia), Andalus
    P. O. Box 4133, Jeddah 21491, Saudi Arabia

    Phone: +966 (12) 6103577
    Fax: +966 (12) 6103677

  • 3012 William Nicol Drive
    PO Box 5817

    Switchboard (Not for Technical Support): +27 11 361 9000
    Microsoft Customer Care Center: 0860 2255 67

  • Résidence Tanol rue du Lac Huron
    Les Berges du Lac
    1053 - Tunis

    Téléphone : (+216) 71 16 87 00
    Activation du produit (Product Activation) : (+216) 71 16 68 02
    Support (Support) : (+216) 71 16 68 05
    Fax : (+216) 71 86 01 98
    Service à La Clientèle: +21671168700

Asia + Pacific

Australia Regional Office Supports:  Cook Islands, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn Islands, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, Wallis and Futuna Islands.

India Regional Office Supports: Bhutan, Comoros, Djibouti, French Polynesia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mayotte, Nepal, Reunion, Seychelles.

New Zealand Regional Office Supports: American Samoa, Samoa and Vanuatu.

  • 1 Marina Boulevard
    #22-01 One Marina Boulevard
    Singapore 018989

    Phone: 65-6882-8899
    Fax: 65-6882-8866

  • Microsoft PTY Limited
    1 Denison Street (Levels 24-30)
    North Sydney NSW 2060
    Postal Address: Level 27, 1 Denison Street North Sydney NSW 2060

    Customer Support (Australian callers): 13 20 58
    Customer Support (International callers): +61 2 8870 7510

    Other Australian Offices

  • Laila Tower, 4th Floor
    8 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan - 1
    Dhaka 1212

    Phone: +880-2-8832973-75
    Fax: + 880-2-8832976

  • Microsoft (B) Sdn Bhd
    Floor 8, Unit 801, PGGMB Building
    Jalan Kianggeh
    Bandar Seri Begawan, BS8111
    Negara Brunei Darussalam

    Phone: +673 236 7086
    Fax: +673 236 7085
    Support: 8014547

  • 中国,北京 100080

    电话:86-10-5917 9000
    传真:86-10-8286 8501
    微软服务热线 : 400-820-3800


    Microsoft Building
    No.5 Danling Street,
    Haidian District, 
    Beijing 100080, China

    Tel: 86-10-5917 9000
    Fax: 86-10-8286 8501
    Microsoft Service Hotline: 400-820-3800

  • 15/F, Cyberport 2,
    100 Cyberport Road,
    Hong Kong

    Customer inquiries (Hong Kong) : (852) 2388-9600
    Customer inquiries (Macau) : 0800760
    Phone: (852) 2804-4200
    Fax: (852) 2560-2217

  • 10th Floor, Tower B & C,
    DLF Building No.5 (Epitome),
    Cyber City, DLF Phase III,
    Gurgaon, 122002

    Phone: 0124 4158000
    Fax: 91-124-4158888
    Dial toll-free number: 000 8000 404 454

  • Jakarta Stock Exchange Building Tower II, lantai 18
    Sudirman Central Business District
    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
    Jakarta 12190

    Telepon: 62-21-2551-8100
    Faks: 62-21-515-0411
    (Customer Service): 001 8030 167966

  • 〒108-0075
    東京都港区港南 2-16-3

    電話: 03-4332-5300


    Shinagawa Grand Central Tower,
    2-16-3 Konan,
    Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0075

    Phone: 03-4332-5300

  • Microsoft Казахстан технической поддержки:
    Пн - Пт 12:00 – 21:00
    Тел.: +7 800 080 10 00


    Microsoft Казахстан Almaty офис:
    050010, Казахстан, Алматы, пр. Достык 38
    бизнес центр «Кен Дала», 6 эт.

    телефон 8 727 258 55 95, номер факса 8 727 258 55 59
    Эл. почта:


    Microsoft Казахстан Astana офис:
    Казахстан, Астана, ул. Достык, 16, Talan Towers Offices, 24 этаж

    телефон 8 7172 73 97 50, вн. номер 168


    Microsoft Kazakhstan Technical Support
    Mon - Fri: 12:00 – 21:00
    Phone: +7 800 080 10 00


    Microsoft Kazakhstan Almaty Office:
    050010, Kazakhstan, Almaty, Dostyk Ave. 38
    Ken Dala Business Center, 6th Floor

    Phone: +8 727 258 55 95, Fax: +8 727 258 55 59


    Microsoft Kazakhstan Astana Office:
    Kazakhstan, Astana, Dostyk St. 16, Talan Towers Offices, 24th Floor

    Phone: +8 7172 73 97 50, Ext. 168

  • (Microsoft Korea)
    서울특별시 종로구 종로 1길 50
    더케이트윈타워 A동 11층

    전화: 82-2-531-4500
    팩스: 82-2-555-1724


    (Microsoft Korea) 
    11th Floor, A Tower, The K Twin Tower, 
    50 Jong-ro 1-gil, Jongno District, 
    Seoul, Korea 

    Tel: 82-2-531-4500 
    Fax: 82-2-555-1724

  • 15/F, Cyberport 2,
    100 Cyberport Road,
    Hong Kong

    Customer inquiries (Hong Kong) : (852) 2388-9600
    Customer inquiries (Macau) : 0800760
    Phone: (852) 2804-4200
    Fax: (852) 2560-2217

  • Microsoft (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
    Level 17 & 18, Menara Shell
    No. 211, Jalan Tun Sambanthan
    50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    Phone: +603 2777 8888
    Fax: +603 2710 6500
    Customer Care Toll Free: 1800 81 8798

  • Reunion, Seychelles
    7th floor Dias Pier Building
    La Caudan Waterfront
    Port Louis

    Phone: +230 202 8100
    Fax: +230 210 1558

    Level 5,
    22 Viaduct Harbour Avenue


    Mailing Address:
    PO Box 8070 Newmarket
    New Zealand


    Level 13
    10 Brandon Street
    Wellington Central
    Wellington 6011


    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 27 345
    New Zealand


    QB Studios
    248 Saint Asaph Street
    Christchurch Central City
    Christchurch 8011

    Customer Support (New Zealand callers): 0800 800 004

  • Microsoft Corporation Pakistan Liaison Office
    Ufone Tower, 11th Floor, Plot # 55-C,
    Main Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area,
    Islamabad, Pakistan 44000

    Phone : 051-2098100


    Microsoft Corporation Pakistan Liaison Office
    5th Floor, Executive Tower, Dolmen City,
    Plot HC-3, Block 4, Clifton Scheme no. 5
    Karachi, Pakistan 74000

    Phone: 021-35839934


    Microsoft Corporation Pakistan Liaison Office
    174 MB, Shabbir Sharif Rd,
    Sector “J” DHA Phase 6,
    Lahore, Punjab 54810

    Contact # +92 423 2224484


    Microsoft License Activation / Office 365 Customer Support
    Phone : 021-35369105
               : 0300-0702745
               : 0300-0702746
               : 0300-0702750

  • 11F, One Ayala West Tower
    Ayala Avenue cor Edsa, Brgy. San Lorenzo,
    Makati City 1223, Philippines

    Tel. +63 (2) 8860 8989
    Fax. +63 (2) 8860 8990

  • 182 Cecil Street,
    #13-01 Frasers Tower
    Singapore 069547

    Technical Support: 800 1013 659 , +60(3) 9212 1942 (when calling from outside Singapore)
    Corporate Technical Support: 800 188 6009
    General or Sales Inquiries: +65 6888 8899
    Fax: +65 6888 8866 (Please include the recipient's first and last name)

  • 22Footnotend Floor, Access Tower 02,
    No. 278/4,
    Union Place,
    Colombo 02,
    Sri Lanka.

    Phone: + 94 11 4765 500
    Fax: +94 11 4765 570

  • 台灣 台北市 信義區 忠孝東路五段68號18樓

    總機: (886) (2) 3725-3888
    傳真: (886) (2) 3725-3999
    Xbox相關問題支援: 00801-128-190
    其他產品相關問題支援: 0800-008-833


    18th Floor, No. 68, Section 5, Zhongxiao East Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan

    Main Switchboard: (886) (2) 3725-3888
    Fax: (886) (2) 3725-3999
    Xbox-related Support: 00801-128-190
    Other Product-related Support: 0800-008-833

  • เลขที่ 195 อาคารวัน แบงค็อก ทาวเวอร์ 4
    ชั้น 35 ยูนิต 3501-3507 และ 3512-3514
    ถนนวิทยุ แขวงลุมพินี เขตปทุมวัน
    กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330

    โทรศัพท์: 66-2257-4999


    No. 195 One Bangkok Tower 4,
    35th Floor, Unit 3501-3507 and 3512-3514,
    Wireless Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan,
    Bangkok 10330

    Phone: 66-2257-4999

  • Công ty TNHH Microsoft Việt Nam
    Tháp 1, Tầng 23, Capital Place, 29 Liễu Giai,
    Phường Ngọc Khánh, Quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội

    Điện thoại: +84 (0)24 3926 3000


    Microsoft Vietnam LLC
    Tower 1, 23rd Floor, Capital Place, 29 Lieu Giai,
    Ngoc Khanh Ward, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi

    Phone: +84 (0)24 3926 3000


Canada Regional Office Supports: Saint Pierre and Miquelon.

Costa Rica Regional Office Supports: Nicaragua.

Trinidad and Tobago Regional Office Supports: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guyana, Martinique, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Suriname, Turks and Caicos Islands, U.S. Virgin Islands.

  • Bouchard 710, Piso 4
    1106 Capital Federal

    Teléfono: 5411-4316-1900
    Fax: 5411-4316-1921

  • Microsoft Bolivia – Santa Cruz
    Av. San Martin y 4to Anillo Norte
    Edificio Torreo Duo, Piso 19, Of C.

    Teléfono 591 3 3888757
    Fax 591 3 3888758
    Tel: +591 3 3888757

  • Av. Presidente Juscelino Kubitscheck, 1.909 - Torre Sul - 16° andar
    CEP 04551-065
    São Paulo SP Brasil

    Phone: (55) (11) 5504-2155
    Fax: (55) (11) 5504-2227/5504-2228

  • 1950 Meadowvale Blvd
    Mississauga, Ontario
    L5N 8L9

    Canadian Head Office: (905) 568-0434
    Customer Inquiries: (877) 568-2495
    Microsoft TT/TDD: (905) 568-9641
    Microsoft Order Centre: (800) 933-4750

  • Av. Vitacura 6844 , Vitacura
    Santiago, Chile

    Teléfono: (562) 330-6000
    Fax: (562) 330-6190

  • Calle 92 # 11 – 51 Piso 10​

    Teléfono: (571) 326 4700
    Fax: (571) 317 3494


    Carrera 42 N.3 Sur-81. Oficina 401,
    Torre 1 piso 4. Conjunto Inmobiliario Milla de oro

    Teléfono: (054) 312 9020
    Fax: (054) 366 4082
    Línea de atención al cliente nacional: 018000931234

  • Torre Universal
    Piso 1, Ave. 12, Calle 42, C.P 10108
    Sabana Sur, San José

    Teléfono: 506-2201-1100

  • Ave. Winston Churchill #83
    Torre Blue Mall , Piso 25
    Santo Domingo , Rep. Dom. 10127

    Teléfono:(809) 567-4049
    Fax: (809) 567-4203

  • Av. Simon Bolivar y
    Via Nayon Complejo Ekopark Torre 5,
    piso 6, oficina 2

    Teléfono: (593 2) 3969000

  • Complejo World Trade Center
    Edificio Torre Quattro
    Nivel 7 S04
    San Salvador, El Salvador

    Teléfono: 503-2209-9100
    Fax: 503-2209-9181

  • Diagonal 6 10-50 zona 10
    Torre Norte, Nivel 11
    Edificio Interaméricas, World Financial Center.

    Teléfono: 502-2379-3000
    Fax: 502-2367-6484
    Servicio de atención al cliente (Customer Service): 502-2470-0872 (llamada local) / 1-801-13-00100 (llamada gratuita)

  • Honduras Business Center
    Torre Nova piso 8
    Parque Comercial Los Próceres
    Tegucigalpa Honduras

    Tel: +504 – 2280 2250

  • Pan Caribbean Building Tenth Floor
    60 Knutsford Boulevard
    Kingston 5, Jamaica

    Phone: 876-960-8820
    Fax: 876-920-2335

  • Av. Vasco de Quiroga 3200 Piso 7
    Col. Centro de Ciudad Santa Fe
    Del Álvaro Obregón
    México D.F. C.P. 01210

    Teléfono: +52 (55) 5267-2000
    Atención a clientes (customers): 01-800-123-3353

  • Costa del Este, Ave de la Rotonda,
    Edificio Financial Park, Piso 32

    Teléfono: +507 210-3000

  • Av. Mcal. Lopez 3795 c/ Cruz del Chaco
    Edificio Citicenter – Piso 6 – Villamorra
    Asunción - Paraguay

    Teléfono: + 595 21 608641 / 3

  • Av. Víctor Andrés Belaunde 147.
    Vía Principal 133 - Torre Real Dos - Piso 9,
    Lima 27, Perú.
  • City View Plaza I Suite 107
    #48 State Road 165 Km 1.2
    Guaynabo PR 00968
    Puerto Rico

    Teléfono: (787) 273-3600
    Fax: (787)273-3634

  • 61 Mucurapo Road
    St. James, Port of Spain
    Trinidad, W.I.

    Phone: (868) 632-8488
    Fax: (868) 637-7084

  • Mercosur Business Center
    Cebollati 1474 - Piso 5

    Teléfono: 598-2-418 20 20
    Fax: 598-2-418 20 09

  • Av. Principal de La Castellana
    Centro Letonia
    Torre ING Bank, Piso 8

    Teléfono: +58-212-2760500
    Fax: +58-212-2760600


Croatia Regional Office Supports: Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Denmark Regional Office Supports: Iceland.

North Macedonia Regional Office Supports: Kosovo.

Russia Regional Office Supports: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

  • Str.“Papa Gjon Pali II” ABA Business Center
    No. 1205
    1000 Tirana
  • Am Euro Platz 3
    A-1120 Wien

    Telefon: +43 1 61064 -0
    Fax: +43 1 61064 -20

  • Microsoft Azərbaycan MMC
    Ünvan: AZ1010, Bakı şəhəri,
    Nizami küçəsi, 90A,
    Landmark III, 4-cü mərtəbə

    Telefon: +99412 4373800
    İş saatları: 09:00-18:00 (Bazar ertəsi - Cümə)


    Informasiya Mərkəzi (yalnız Rus dilində)
    İş saatları: 09:00-18:00 (Bazar ertəsi - Cümə)

    Telephone: +99412 4373555


    Məhsulların Aktivləşdirilməsi (yalnız Rus dilində)
    İş saatları: 24/7

    Telephone: +99412 4373554

  • Brussels National Airport - Passport Building
    1K Luchthavenlaan
    BE-1930 Zaventem

    Phone: +32 (0) 2 503 31 13

  • бул. „Никола Вапцаров“ № 55
    София 1407

    Център за обслужване на клиенти на Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care Center):
    0800 15555 (безплатен) (toll free)
    +359 2 9657100 (за номера извън България и мобилни номера) (outside Bulgaria and mobile)


    55 Nikola Vaptsarov blvd.
    1407 Sofia

    Microsoft Customer Care Center:
    0800 15555 (toll free)
    +359 2 9657100 (outside Bulgaria and mobile)

  • Horvatova 82/6
    HR - 10010 Zagreb

    Telefon:+385 1 4802 500
    Faks:+385 1 6606 766

  • 11 Limassol Avenue,
    Galatariotis Building
    1st Floor

    Phone: +357 22 799700
    Fax: +357 22 681961

  • BB Centrum
    Vyskocilova 1561/4a,
    140 00 Praha 4
    Česká republika
    Volat služby zákazníkům/technické dotazy

    Z České republiky volejte na číslo (from Czech Republic call): 841 300 300*
    Mimo ČR volejte (outside of Czech Republic call): +420 261 197 665

    *Hovor bude účtován dle sazby Vašeho operátora pro volání na linku s předčíslím 841. O výši sazby se informujte u Vašeho operátora.

  • Kanalvej 7
    2800 Kongens Lyngby

    Tlf.: (45) 45 67 8000

  • Akadeemia tee 15b
    12618 Tallinn

    Klienditeenindus (Customer Service): +372 686 8868 äriklientidele, saadaval ainult inglise keeles

    Eratarbija info ja tugi veebis Microsofti tugiteenused -

  • Keilalahdentie 2-4
    02150 Espoo

    Puhelin: 09 8171 0400
    Faksi: 09 878 8778

  • 39, quai du Président Roosevelt
    92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

    Téléphone : N° Cristal - 09 70 01 90 90 - appel non surtaxé

  • Walter-Gropius-Straße 5
    80807 München

    Telefon: +49 89 31 76 0
    Fax: +49 89 31 76 1000
    Partner (Partners): +49 1806 30 25 25*
    Geschäftskunden (Business customers): +49 1806 67 23 30*
    Privatkunden (Consumers): +49 1806 67 2255*

    Über Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

    * 0,20 € pro Anruf aus dem deutschen Festnetz. Aus den Mobilfunknetzen höchstens 0,60 € pro Anruf.

  • Κηφισίας 221
    151 24 Αθήνα

    Τηλέφωνο: +30 211 1206 000
    Φαξ: +30 211 1206 003


    Kifisías 221
    151 24 Athens

    Telephone: +30 211 1206 000
    Fax: +30 211 1206 003

  • Microsoft Ügyfélszolgálati Központ (Microsoft Customer Care Center)
    +36 1 267 4636


    Microsoft Magyarország Kft. központi irodaház
    (ügyfélszolgálati teendőket nem végez)
    Graphisoft Park 3. (Záhony u.)
    1031 Budapest

    Telefon: +36 1 437 2800
    Fax: +36 1 437 2899​​

  • Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited
    One Microsoft Place, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18 D18 P521 Reception: +353 (1) 2953826


    Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited
    One Microsoft Court, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin 18, D18 DH6k. Reception: +353 (1) 2953826


    Northern Ireland Science Park
    The Innovation Centre, Queens Road, Queens Island, Belfast BT3 9DT


    For general or Sales and Marketing queries, Home, Business and Partner Support

    call us on:
    ROI: 1850 940 940
    NI: 0344 800 2400

  • Innovation Campus
    Viale Pasubio, 21
    20154 - Milano

    Telefono: +39 02 38 591 444
    Fax: +39 02 70 392 020
    Centro servizio clienti Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care Center):
    +39 02 38 591 444

  • Zaļā iela 1
    Rīga, LV-1010

    Tālrunis: +371 66090900 (par tehniskiem jautājumiem klienti netiek konsultēti).
    Tehniskais atbalsts (Customer Service): +371 80004233, +371 80205017.

    Atbalsts tiešsaistē latviešu valodā ir pieejams Microsoft Support -

  • Verslo centras „Baltic Hearts“, A pastatas
    Ukmergės g. 120
    LT-08105 Vilnius

    Tel.: +370 5 2500002 klientai techniniais klausimais nekonsultuojami
    Klientų aptarnavimas (Customer Service): +370 5 2051151 (anglų kalba)

    Visoms žiniasklaidos užklausoms: CEE MC ŽINIASKLAIDOS KONTAKTAS (prašome nerašyti šiuo el. paštu, jei nesate žiniasklaidos atstovas)

  • Microsoft Luxembourg
    23-29 Rives de Clausen
    L-2165 Luxembourg
    Skype Communications Sàrl
    23-29 Rives de Clausen
    L-2165 Luxembourg

    Phone: +352 20 41 00 10

  • SkyParks Business Centre, Level 5
    Malta International Airport
    Luqa, LQA 4000, Malta

    Phone: 00356 2776 1800

  • str. Vlaicu Pîrcălab 63
    Office 6B
    Chișinău, Moldova

    Telefon: +373 (22) 843500
    Fax: +373 (22) 843600


    Departamentul de Servicii client Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care Center)
    Telefon: +373 (22) 201334

  • Kralja Nikole 27a/IV
    BC Čelebić
    81000 Podgorica
    Crna Gora

    Telefon: +382 20 602 210
    Faks: +382 20 602 210

  • Evert van de Beekstraat 354
    1118 CZ Schiphol

    Telefoon: +31 (0)20-500 1500
    Fax: +31 (0)20-500 1999
    Microsoft Klantenservice (Microsoft Customer Care): +31 (0)20-500 1500

  • Microsoft d.o.o.e.l. Skopje
    Blvd. Kiril I Metodij, No.7, floor1
    1000 Skopje

    Phone: +389 23067 960
    Fax: +389 2 3061 330
    Support line phone: +389 2 3090 890

  • Besøksadresse:
    Dronning Eufemia gate 71
    0194 Oslo


    Dronning Eufemia gate 71
    0194 Oslo

    Telefon: (47) 23 500 500
    Faks: (47) 22 95 06 64


    Microsoft Development Center Norway
    Dronning Eufemia gate 71
    0194 Oslo


    Dronning Eufemia gate 71
    0194 Oslo

    Telefon: (47) 23 01 12 00
    Faks: (47) 23 01 12 01

  • Al. Jerozolimskie 195a
    02-222 Warszawa

    Tel.: (+48) 22-594 1000*
    Faks: (+48) 22-594 1002*
    Dział obsługi klientów Microsoft: (+48) 22-594 1999*; na obszarze Polski: 0-801 802 000*

    *Opłata za połączenia według stawek Twojego operatora.

  • (Subsidiária da Microsoft Corporation)
    Rua do Fogo de Santelmo, Lote 2.07.02
    1990 – 110 Lisboa (junto ao Oceanário)

    Telefone: (351) 210 491 000
    Fax: (351) 210 491 999
    Serviço de Apoio a Clientes Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care): 808223242

  • Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu nr. 6P
    Clădirea Campus 6.2
    București, Sector 6
    Cod poștal: 061103

    Departamentul de Servicii Clienți Microsoft / Suport tehnic: +40 21 204 70 40
    Birouri Microsoft: +40 31 133 02 00
    Fax: +40 (21) 312 67 84

  • Ул. Крылатская, 17
    121614, Москва
    Российская Федерация

    Тел.: +7 (495) 9678585
    Факс: +7 (495) 9678500
    Служба поддержки Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care Center):
    +7 (495) 9167171 для звонков по Москве (по тарифу); 8 (800) 2008001 для звонков по России (бесплатно)


    17 Krylatskaia St
    121614, Moscow
    Russian Federation

    Phone: +7 (495) 9678585
    Fax: +7 (495) 9678500
    Microsoft Customer Care Center:
    +7 (495) 9167171 for calls from Moscow (carrier rates apply); 8 (800) 2008001 for calls from other regions of Russia (toll-free)

  • Španskih boraca 3/VII
    11070 Beograd
    Naši telefonski brojevi:

    Centrala: +381 11 330 66 00
    Fax: +381 11 330 66 01

    Kontakt adresa za medije: CEE MC KONTAKT MEDIJI (Ljubazno Vas molimo da ne koristite ovu adresu ako niste predstavnik štampe ili medija)

  • Microsoft Slovakia
    Pradiareň 1900
    Svätoplukova 2A
    Bratislava 821 08, Slovakia

    Telefónne číslo: +421 (2) 59 295 111
    Faxové číslo: +421 (2) 59 295 100

  • Ameriška ulica 8
    1000 Ljubljana

    Telefon: +386 (0)1 5 846 100
    Faks: +386 (0)1 5 846 122

  • Paseo del Club Deportivo, 1
    Centro Empresarial La Finca - Edificio 1
    28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)

    Teléfono: 34913919000
    Fax: 34913919001

    Centro de atención al cliente de Microsoft (Microsoft Customer Care Center):
    +91 754 70 10 (desde el extranjero (from foreign countries), marque +34 91 754 70 10)

  • Postbox adress:
    Microsoft AB
    Box 3386
    103 68 Stockholm

    Visiting adress:
    Regeringsgatan 25
    111 53 Stockholm

    Telefon: +46 8 7525600
    Fax: +46 8 7505158
    Microsoft Kundservice (Microsoft Customer Care Center): +46 08-559 900 00

  • Das Schweizer Büro ist zuständig für die Schweiz und Liechtenstein.
    The Swiss office is responsible for Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
    The Circle 02,
    8058 Zürich-Flughafen,

    Kundenservice und Technische Unterstützung:
    Customer Service and Technical Support:
    +41 (0) 848 858 868

    (nur auf Deutsch/Französisch – Only for German/French)

  • Microsoft Bilgisayar Yazılım Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.
    Bellevue Residences, Levent Mahallesi
    Aydın Sokak No:7, Levent 34340
    İstanbul, Türkiye

    Telefon: 90 (212) 370 55 55
    Faks: 90 (212) 370 55 56
    Müşteri Destek Hattı: 0 850 3902777

  • Бізнес-центр “Євразія”
    вул. Жилянська 75
    Київ, 01032

    Телефон: + 38044 499 3200


    Поштова скринька 13
    01032, Київ

    Центр обслуговування клієнтів корпорації Майкрософт (Microsoft Customer Care): +38 (044) 230-51-01, 0-800-30-8-800

    Всі запити щодо PR, надсилати на CEE MC PRESS CONTACT (будь ласка, не використовуте дану електронну адресу, якщо Ви не представник преси або медіа)


    Eurasia Business Center
    75 Zhylianska St
    Kyiv, 01032

    Phone: + 38 (044) 499-32-00


    PO Box 13
    01032, Kyiv

    Microsoft Customer Care: +38 (044) 230-51-01, 0-800-30-8-800

    For all PR requests please contact CEE MC PRESS CONTACT (do not use this email if you are not a representative of press or media)

  • Microsoft Campus
    Thames Valley Park
    RG6 1WG

    Phone: (+44) 0344 800 2400
    Fax: (+44) 0870 60 20 100
    Contact Us: If you need help with Microsoft products and services, please contact Microsoft Support.