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An Dai

Research Intern (2015)

An Dai
An Dai

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An Dai is a 2015 research intern in the Applied Sciences Group (ASG) at Microsoft.

She is a Ph.D. candidate majoring in electrical engineering at Princeton university.  Her research interest is organic electronics, in particular, focusing on engineering electrical properties of materials and interface energetic alignment to improve the performance of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED’s) and organic photovoltaics (OPV’s).  The main idea is to molecularly dope the organic semiconductor to increase the conductivity and work function, such that an ohmic contact can be created for efficient carrier injection and extraction.

An is quite familiar with characterization tools such as ultraviolet photoemission microscopy, X-ray photoemission microscopy, atomic-force microscopy, secondary ion mass spectrometry.  She also has more than six years’ hands-on experience with device fabrications and characterization.

In her spare time, An loves travelling around the world, experiencing different cultures, nature, and local foods.  She is also a semi-professional table-tennis player and enjoys playing many sports such as tennis, jogging, swimming and flying an aircraft.  Books and music are also An’s best friends.
