PulsuzProqramdaxili satınalmalar təklif edir
+ Proqramdaxili satınalmalar təklif edir


Join over 10 million puzzle game fans and download the best free puzzle game in the Microsoft Store. It’s that good! Blocked In is a free sliding puzzle game where the goal is to get the red block out of the board by moving other blocks to make way. It sounds simple, yet players call it "frustratingly fun", as it quickly turns into a challenge. It is also proven to be quite addictive as most players tend to keep playing for months. With recently expanded 3600 free levels there is enough to keep you busy for a long time. Download now, and enjoy! Your 5 star reviews will keep updates coming. To give us feedback or for support please contact support@sourgreenplums.com

Ekran şəkilləri

Bu versiyada nə yeniliklər var

Updated for Windows 11, updated graphics, 3600 levels


  • Play 3600 free unique puzzles in 5 level packs
  • 2 game modes: Earn stars with the Challenge mode, simply complete levels with the Relax mode
  • 4 difficulty levels that make this a game for all ages

Əlavə məlumat

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Sour Green Plums

Müəllif hüququ

Copyright © 2010-2023, Sour Green Plums

Tərtib edən

Sour Green Plums

Buraxılış tarixi


Təqribi ölçü

36,66 MB

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Bu proqram:

İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

Dəstəklənən dil

English (United States)

Naşirlə bağlı Məlumat

Blocked In veb-saytı
Blocked In dəstəyi

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