

Whist is a simple partnership trick-taking card game. While the rules of the game are simple, it takes good strategic thinking and teamwork to master. Work with your AI partner to outwit your opponents in this fast and fun card game. It's a great game for learning trick-taking card games and Whist games of all types, but challenging enough when switched to hard mode to keep you entertained! In this version you can set your preferred win target, choose to play with or without "honours", and set the AI level to easy or hard. There are also many colour themes and decks to choose from to keep the landscape interesting!

Ekran şəkilləri

Bu versiyada nə yeniliklər var

Thank you for playing Classic Whist! This version includes: - Added the ability to review the play during or after a round - Added the ability to replay a hand at the end of a round


  • Multiple game settings allow you to choose your favorite brand of whist.
  • Play against the AI partnership in either easy or hard mode.
  • 6 Different color schemes and 16 different card backs to choose from.
  • Completely ad free.
  • Whist is a simple game to learn, but it will take a while to master!
  • Review the play during or after a round
  • Replay a hand at the end of a round

Əlavə məlumat

Nəşr edən


Müəllif hüququ

coppercod 2020

Tərtib edən


Buraxılış tarixi


Təqribi ölçü

188,66 MB

Yaş reytinqi:

Yaşı 3-dən yuxarı olanlar üçün


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Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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English (United States)

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