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Year 2049. The best detectives, like Sherlock Holmes and Poirot, have been reunited to face the rapidly spreading crime. Many detective agency have failed or, worse still, bought from crime. Scotland Yard created the CrimeBot detective agency to help the police with the criminal case to be solved. The CrimeBots are cyber detective with technological grafts capable of analyzing the crime scene, collecting clues and finding the culprit of a criminal case more effective than normal detective. Thanks to them, Scotland Yard can apply investigation, discover the culprit in crime files in no time. Features of the detective game: - criminal case with realistic investigation, who is the killer? - different mystery case modes. Murders to solve randomly generated where you have a limited number of attempts before the killer manages to escape and murders to solve with a timed challenge. - an innovative system to create crime scenes with hidden objects, clues, suspects, witness, alibi and relationships with infinite combinations - investigation ranking of the best detective Will you be able to solve a murder using only your detective investigation skills? Among the available elements you will have to analyze like Poirot or Sherlock: clues, witness, suspects, hidden objects, alibi and murder weapon. Who is the killer ? Can you solve the criminal case? Good luck with your detective investigations! Scotland Yard
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2.0.0 - Criminal Cases Added career mode among game modes. In this new mode it is now possible to progress in the detective career by solving criminal cases, mysterious puzzles, missing objects and altered crime scenes. As you progress through your detective career, it will also be possible to collect detective gadgets. These gadgets will allow you to easily resolve dossiers in quick and ranked matches as well as complete challenges in the game.
Əlavə məlumat
Nəşr edən
Andrea TestaTərtib edən
RoboBot StudioBuraxılış tarixi
05.02.2018Təqribi ölçü
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