İstifadəsi mümkündür
When you inherit a mansion with so many rooms, you have no idea that behind each of them are hidden magical worlds and passages to the past and future! What secret was your uncle who gave you this magnificent house hiding from you? There's only one way to find out - explore every door. The path isn't easy, because the mansion has many doors… Go on an extraordinary journey through the old house! Someone sent you a letter. Find out what's in it and who sent it in the bonus chapter! Earn stars to raise your level! Search and find items and solve puzzles!
Əlavə məlumat
Nəşr edən
Do Games LimitedMüəllif hüququ
© 2022 Do Games Limited, LtdTərtib edən
Do Games LimitedBuraxılış tarixi
07.10.2022Təqribi ölçü
616,85 MBYaş reytinqi:
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Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.Giriş imkanı
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Crossroad of Worlds: 100 Doors veb-saytıCrossroad of Worlds: 100 Doors dəstəyi
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