

It is a run and shooter action game where you are the only survivor after a disastrous plane crash This is a run and shooter action game where you are the only survivor after a disastrous plane crash and you comprehend that the accident was the outcome of war casualty. The game becomes more interesting as death is awaiting at every terminal of the enemy territory. In this game, it is a requisite that you should be prepared for facing challenges and deadly enemies.Your survival moves, wits, and spontaneous reflexes are indispensable for winning the game. The game initiates as you find your path amidst the wreckage of the plane and you sense the danger. After fighting with the deadly enemies, you come to a private beach where you are the only inhabitant apart from an unbeatable mob. If you are able to survive after defeating the fierce foes, you will come to a deserted island where the game becomes more intense. Features: • Beat the Mission Time to Unlock Permanent Weapons The mission time aids in calculating the time, you took for completing each level of the game. It is a must that you should complete the level before the time finishes. As you complete the level before the scheduled mission time, various permanent weapons get unlocked which will be of great help for fighting the deadly enemies. • Earn Permanent Power-Ups such as Double Damage and Body Armour This first person shooter game is a highly interesting game and you have to fight constantly for defeating the enemies. As you accomplish certain levels of the game, you will earn permanent Power-Ups which include Body Armour , Double Damage for fighting those fierce enemies. • Difficulty Settings If you want to enjoy playing the advanced levels of the game, this feature is for you. It helps you to play the difficult levels of the game. Some other features of the game include: Sensitivity Settings Easier Player Control Option to Display Frames per Second Mission Selection Map

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Windows Release


  • Beat the Mission Time to Unlock Permanent Weapons
  • Earn Permanent Power-Ups such as Double Damage and Body Armour
  • Difficulty Settings

Əlavə məlumat

Nəşr edən

Aeria Canada Studio, Inc.

Buraxılış tarixi


Təqribi ölçü

260,38 MB

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İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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