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Merge blocks to grow Cubes 2048 turns 2048 into a 3D io game! Slide around the arena picking up blocks to get bigger. Picking up two of the same number will merge them into a single block as the total sum of both. Consume the competition In Cubes 2048, you can eat any number smaller than you - including your opponents. At the same time, you should be wary of bigger opponents coming to gobble you up or take a big chunk out of your block supply! Tips and Tricks - You can cut into opponents and take their blocks as long as those blocks are smaller - Use the speed power-up to catch up quickly with your opponents - Use your general boost to escape and catch up to other players - Avoid the division sign because this will halve your numbers

Ekran şəkilləri


  • .io game

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Crazygames 2024

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5,2 MB

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English (United States)

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