İstifadəsi mümkündür
Draughts goes by a variety of different names and has several different variations. The game given first is English Draughts which is known as Checkers in North America. Also given is Polish Draughts, which is played all over Western Europe and which is the most commonly played version of the game in international competition. Draughts is very popular over the world for its simple rules and addictive gameplay, which hide deep tactics and variability. Draughts supports both 1 player and 2 player gameplay, so you can play against friends or test your skills against a challenging computer opponent.
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CowconaBuraxılış tarixi
24.03.2022Təqribi ölçü
58,36 MBYaş reytinqi:
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Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.Dəstəklənən dil
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Draughts Royal 8X8 məxfilik siyasətiƏməliyyat şərtləri
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