

Should you ever draw to an inside straight? What if it's A, K, Q, 10? What if two of those face cards are suited? How about 3? In Hold'em, what if two overcards are flopped to your pocket pair, know what your odds are then? Draw Poker is fashioned after a casino style draw poker game - with a twist, you get to check out your best bet before you draw - try various hold combinations to find your best hand. Speaking of 'advantage you', how about knowing your odds during the course of a Texas Hold'em game. With the Hold'em hand calculator, you'll be able to track your odds at every step as the cards play out. Keep the app up and running while playing online Hold'em and give yourself the extra edge... (nobody needs to know!) Whether it's Draw Poker or Texas Hold'em, the more you play, the deeper your understanding becomes of the strength of your cards.

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Simplified help. Not available in Brazil, Korea, Russia, South Africa or Taiwan


  • Fun, and slightly addictive draw poker game with casino win sounds
  • History tracker lets you see how you've done, whether this session, or since you began playing
  • Texas Hold'em hand odds calculator, let's you try any combination of cards and see how your odds change as the board progresses
  • Odds chart for Hold'em starting hands, by card rank and by win odds
  • Help screens for every step
  • Free and full featured

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Nəşr edən

Emerald Cut Inc.

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Copyright © 2013, Emerald Cut, Inc. All rights reserved

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Emerald Cut Inc.

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3,63 MB

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Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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