

Between Life and Death .. 2D Puzzle Platformer Game Lead our hero in a strange mystery between life & death... help her overcome her fears to face death. I wonder about that moment! the moment that separates life & death! the moment we undergo to be dead & not a live? How long does the angel of death take to harvest our souls? What if we escaped him? Do we live again? Game Features: • Unique 23 levels each with its own platforming, puzzles experience. • Over 40 puzzles & mind challenges, well implemented within the game environment • Mysterious original story • Eerie environment & atmosphere • High quality & well though art direction & design • Original sound track. Unforgettable Atmosphere A unique peaceful, black & white atmosphere with a feeling of wonder and awe, after playing the game for a while the play gets an enjoyable feeling of loneliness and isolation. Play Now

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