İstifadəsi mümkündür
Welcome to the amazing magical world of solitaire! Here you can make yourself at home, playing layouts on a tavern table by the fireside, or in the shade of an oak tree by a majestic rushing waterfall. Your fairy helper will guide you through this magical world full of mystery and ancient secrets. Magic World Solitaire is the classic solitaire you love in an exciting new world. The card game's simple rules will help first-timers get the hang of things fast, and different challenges in the adventure ahead will keep seasoned players on their toes. But don't worry, your fairy helper will show you which magical powers to use to get out of even the toughest pinch. This beloved card game is perfect for everyone. We hope you enjoy your time in Magic World Solitaire! Download now!
Bu versiyada nə yeniliklər var
Minor bug fixes and improvements
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Nəşr edən
Rainbow GamesBuraxılış tarixi
08.04.2019Təqribi ölçü
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