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Lead your warriors and guardians to defend your castle, dungeons and towers from rogues ennemies. Retro Defenders : Towers War is an epic and classic RPG game with pixel arts graphic style, like the 80s arcade games. All you have to do is using your troops to defeats rogues and save the dungeons. Enter in this destiny quest to defend your princess’ towers against hordes of enemies, rampage foes, crusaders, dragons, skeletons, orcs, treants, giant spiders, and many other scaring creatures…. In this discord war, slayer, gladiators, killers, assassins, defenders, resistants, freedom fighters, will all fight in really epic battles and raids. A horde of dangerous creatures has started to invade your land and kill your people. The last hope of the kingdom is the princess' army: her tiny guardians: THE RETRO DEFENDERS !!! Use all tricks and sorcery to fight against enemies and mini boss. Avoid the conquest of the crown and the throne by the goblins and keep your frontiers safe. Restore the order with your crusaders. You lead a team of 8 super powerful warriors that will fight for you in lands, forests, villages, dungeons, castles, graveyards, deserts... You can end this war... But only if you can become a siege hero. You must protect the princess' towers. Lead your troops to the final victory. The warriors available are: - 1 peasant - 1 dwarf - 1 wizard - 1 soldier - 1 sorcerer - 1 lizard - 2 elves Every character has different characteristics and you have to play cleverly to defeat the enemy. Make sure the enemies don’t pass your defense, or your kingdom will be lost forever!!!

Ekran şəkilləri


  • An epic war in a medieval world
  • Build your defenses and create impregnable fortresses
  • Upgrade your 8 warriors
  • 17 battles' arena
  • Long hours of gameplay with over 40 levels
  • 80 bonus and booster to unlock

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7,3 MB

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