USD$14.99Proqramdaxili satınalmalar təklif edir
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Saio (System Artificial Intelligence Othello) The strongest Othello engine in the world developed in about 15 years by the 3 times Italian Othello Champion Romano Benedetto. Now available on your UWP Device with all his features: - Play vs the engine at specific time limit or fixed depth of search - Eval bests moves - Eval all moves - Show detailed Library values - WThor games archive with all games of official tournaments from 1977 - Show statistics from games archive - You can study a specific player directly on the board - Regressive Analysis of all the games - Endgame Tutor mode, Single good move and single line to avoid lose the game - InApp buy of the INCREDIBLE BIG Library 8GB with 180M moves, 240.443 draw lines - Rotate board - Load games from list of moves in the clipboard - Export list of moves to the clipboard to easy share in chats - Show transcript of the game - Edit board - Fix the line that Saio play - Autosave games - XOT openings - Study mode to help to memorize openings - Ranked Gameplay mode - Middlegames play mode with rank points and level of difficulty - Endgames play mode with rank points and level of difficulty - Online classify for ranked games play mode Who buyed the FULL Library now can: - Expand the Library, manually or automatically (press for 3 seconds on Library) - Expand fixed lines - Automatically fill nodes not yet present on the line - Can start from the standard library too - Merge Incremental Library to the Main Library - Download WThor DB Update automatically The engine of Saio is actually the STATE OF THE ART of the informatic knowledge about search in game trees, and is REALLY accurate to eval moves. SaioApp contain all the firsts 12 moves of his INCREDIBLE BIG Library of moves. After you can buy the FULL 8GB Library developed in about 10 years and continue to be expanded. The FULL library actually permit to Saio to NEVER LOSE A GAME, using the datagram algorithm build during Ph.D Thesis "How to build a library to never lose a game". You can explore all the library values and know what sequences are really draw, lose or win. You will have the definitive knowledge of the Othello moves with they real values. Designed for Professional Players that need the best engine ever, created to beat all others engines. Thanks to Alessandro Di Mattei and Paolo Scognamiglio for they support to be first in the world to buy SaioApp and to contribute to Test and add features.

Ekran şəkilləri

İnsanlar həm də bəyənir

Bu versiyada nə yeniliklər var

- ADDED resume download of library - UPDATED WThor database - FIXED a rare Library bug - FIXED an Update Archives bug - FIXED some language traduction - RESOLVED sleep when iconized


  • The strongest Othello / Reversi engine

Əlavə məlumat

Nəşr edən

Romano Benedetto

Müəllif hüququ

1993 Romano Benedetto

Tərtib edən

Romano Benedetto

Buraxılış tarixi


Təqribi ölçü

261,57 MB

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İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

Dəstəklənən dil

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Русский (Россия)

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