

Tank War Shooting Simulator is a unique game that takes players to an apocalyptic environment and offers a realistic tank simulator experience decorated with 3D graphics. This game will maximize your interest in tank battles. Game Modes: Variety and Action In Tank War Shooting Simulator, there are two different and attractive game modes: Deathmatch Mode: This mode features over ten battle tanks ready for battle. Players can fight against rival tanks by choosing the tank they want from this variety. The goal is to destroy all enemy tanks and be the last tank standing. However, in the meantime, you must develop a careful strategy to protect your tank's health and minimize damage from rival tanks. This mod provides the perfect backdrop for strategy masters and tank battle lovers. Speed Battle Mode: In this mode, players only have one tank, but this tank is high-speed and robust. This mode offers a fast and intense tank combat experience. You must use your skills and speed to eliminate opposing tanks quickly. Fighting a single tank tests your tactical thinking abilities and increases the need to react quickly. Realistic Experience: Different Camera Angles Tank War Shooting Simulator offers more than three different in-game camera angles to give players a realistic experience. This allows players to observe their tank from all angles and better evaluate their surroundings. Different camera angles can be used to detect enemies and gain strategic advantages. Players feel like real tank drivers thanks to this feature. Tank War Shooting Simulator is an excellent option for those who love tank battles and strategy games. Realistic graphics, various game modes, and different camera angles keep players glued to the screen, making them feel like real tank drivers. This game offers an adrenaline-filled experience for tank games and war games enthusiasts.

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Inspector Studios

Buraxılış tarixi


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721,04 MB

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Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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English (United States)

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