

True Skate The best Street League Skateboarding Mobile Game. Loved by skaters all over the world. Note: True Skate comes with a single skate park and contains. FeaturesTrue Skate : - Realistic touch based physics. - Flick the board to make it react exactly how you would expect. - Drag your finger on the ground to push. - A beautiful skate park to get lost in including ledges, stairs, grind rails plus a bowl, half pipe and quarter pipes. - Slow motion. - User challenges - Replay sharing - Global leaderboards

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True Skate The best Street League Skateboarding Mobile Game. Loved by skaters all over the world. Note: True Skate comes with a single skate park and contains. FeaturesTrue Skate : - Realistic touch based physics. - Flick the board to make it react exactly how you would expect. - Drag your finger on the ground to push. - A beautiful skate park to get lost in including ledges, stairs, grind rails plus a bowl, half pipe and quarter pipes. - Slow motion. - User challenges - Replay sharing - Global leaderboards


  • True Skate The best Street League Skateboarding Mobile Game. Loved by skaters all over the world. Note: True Skate comes with a single skate park and contains. FeaturesTrue Skate : - Realistic touch

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28,11 MB

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İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

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English (United States)

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