

Travel across the city , normal parking games are easy but this 3D Vehicles Transporting game require some skills to drive a Jumbo Truck. In this easy Vehicles Transporter 3D game you are a transporter trucker that needs to load and unload his truck. After you load your truck with the priceless cargo of high value racing cars and sports cars and many vehicles, from a Exported and Imported Vehicles Showroom in this awesome Big truck simulation game. So if you love 3D transporting and parking games with a little twist you definitely need to download this new Vehicles transporter parking game. If you haven't played any of our other car transporter 3D truck simulators you will still enjoy the new gameplay. Travel across the city which is full of traffic, normal transporting and Simulation games are easy but this 3D game require some skills. You have to have a close watch not damaging the truck or the any Vehicles while loading or unloading. You need to move fast but watch your speed and movements because if you damage your cars or the transport trailer you need to start over again from the beginning. Also you get to drive around in a city in this ultimate 3D transporting simulator. You have to prepare for the game king of all car and vehicles transporter games, in this latest Vehicles transporter simulator you get to drive around with a real car carrying trailer also know as the car hauler or auto transport trailer or jumbo truck. So if you want to travel the roads of this big city and you wanna have a career as a truck driver, then the best way to practice your truck transporter driving skill is to pick up truck simulator 3D game. Choose your cars that you like to load the truck with, load them on top of the trailer of the car transporter truck. Get behind the wheel of your truck and make sure you successfully complete your missions. So are you ready for the most epic big truck driving experience. This newest Car and vehicles transporter parking challenges you to do your job carefully, so be on time at the garage. park a large Jumbo truck with vehicles in the back keep the truck on the road in this new exciting Simulator challenge game park your vehicle in the car transport trailer and drive the cars to the right destinations. Do you think you can easily drive a huge transporter truck that carries a heavy load? Your job in this game is load the Vehicles on the Big Vehicles transporter trailer and drive the trucks where lot to the showroom garage unload the truck there. Manage a huge truck with a heavy load of cars. Park your vehicle in the mega trailer carrier and haul cars to their given destinations. Multi-task and double your accuracy by parking in many different places. The cars are to be carefully maneuvered onto the trailer so they fit in perfectly within the indicated spot. Finally, drive the massive truck while managing the load on top and bringing it to a halt. How To Play Via PC:: - Use arrows keys for Trailer and Car Control - Space key for applying Brake

Ekran şəkilləri

İnsanlar həm də bəyənir


  • One of the best parking simulator game physics
  • Real 3D environment with beautiful graphics
  • Awesome Jumbo Truck

Əlavə məlumat

Nəşr edən

Zeros Games Studio

Müəllif hüququ

Fun Games Studio

Tərtib edən

Zeros Games Studio

Buraxılış tarixi


Təqribi ölçü

26,25 MB

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English (United States)

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Vehicles Transporter Big Truck dəstəyi

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