

The award-winning educational adventure is back! Zoombinis is a re-creation of the classic, award-winning 1990's puzzle game Logical Journey of the Zoombinis. The small blue creatures, each with distinct personalities and appearances, are escaping imprisonment by the evil Bloats who have taken over the Zoombinis' home. Players take on the role of guide and help the Zoombinis reach the safety of Zoombiniville. Use logic, analyze data, spot patterns and hone problem solving skills. Players face a series of increasingly difficult challenges that stand between the Zoombinis and freedom. Twelve perilous puzzles each with 4 levels of increasing difficulty, a great story, and many fun and memorable characters make for an engaging and challenging experience. We challenge you to get all the Zoombinis to safety!

Ekran şəkilləri


  • The game you love, to share with a new generation
  • Beautiful new backgrounds
  • The original voices for the Narrator, Stone Guards, Pizza Trolls, Captain Cajun, and the Innkeeper
  • Restored music from version 1.0 of the original game
  • Improved celebrations and achievements

Əlavə məlumat

Nəşr edən

WD Encore Software LLC

Müəllif hüququ

©2015 TERC. All rights reserved. ©WD Navarre Holdings, LLC. Encore Software is a registered trademark of WD Navarre Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved.

Tərtib edən

WD Encore Software LLC

Buraxılış tarixi


Təqribi ölçü

976,34 MB

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Bu proqram:

İnternet bağlantınıza daxil olun


Microsoft hesabınıza daxil olduğunuz zaman bu proqramı əldə edin və ona qədər Windows 10 cihazlarında quraşdırın.

Dəstəklənən dil

English (United States)

Naşirlə bağlı Məlumat

Zoombinis veb-saytı
Zoombinis dəstəyi

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