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Strong Chess Game with possibility for Analysis. 20 levels available from beginner to Grandmaster. One of the strongest chess games ever made. All official Chess Rules are implemented. A draw by stalemate, insufficient material, the fifty move rule, or threefold repetition is recognized. No ads and sales in the app! If you are a strong player try to beat our chess on the upper levels(16-20). If you are beginner in chess you can improve you play stability attention and concentration playing levels(1-10). To make a move- click figure available moves are highlighted click on one of the highlighted moves If you want to play against computer from start position-click Computer->choose level->choose color->play If you want to play against computer from particular position-setup position ->click Computer->choose level->choose color->play If you want to force computer to play for both sides-setup position ->click Computer->click Analyzis->choose level. This is the first release of our Chess game. Many new features and improvements will be added in the next releases.
Dodatne informacije
lBalgarievAutorska prava
Lachezar BalgarievNapravio/la
Lachezar BalgarievDatum izdavanja
13. 11. 2018.Približna veličina
46,44 MBOcjena prema uzrastu
Za osobe od 3 godine i starijeKategorija
KlasiciAplikacija može raditi sljedeće
Pristupite svojoj internetskoj veziPristupite svojoj internetskoj vezi i djelujte kao server.
Pristupite svojim kućnim ili uredskim mrežama
Preuzmite ovu aplikaciju dok ste prijavljeni u Microsoft račun i instalirajte je na maksimalno deset Windows 10 uređaja.Podržani jezik
English (United States)Informacije o izdavaču
Weg lokacija za Deep ChessPodrška za Deep Chess
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