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At first, it wasn’t clear why the Master Detective was called in to investigate a simple, small-town murder case… until the investigation reveals a string of strange references and familiar names from the agency’s past! What secrets lie behind the murder, and who, or what is so intent on bringing up the past? You’ll need superior searching skills, and all your puzzle-solving know-how to peel back the layers of this mystery! All of the shocking answers await you in this intriguing new chapter in the classic Hidden-Object Puzzle Adventure series!

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Dodatne informacije


Big Fish Games

Autorska prava

© 2021, Big Fish Games, Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners.


Grandma Studios

Datum izdavanja

3. 10. 2023.

Približna veličina

567,25 MB

Ocjena prema uzrastu

Za osobe od 12 godina i starije



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Instalirajte na Windows 10 PC i ostvarite pristup kada ste povezani na Microsoft račun.


Programer proizvoda smatra da ovaj proizvod ispunjava zahtjeve za pristupačnost, što znači da ga sve osobe mogu lakše koristiti.

Podržani jezik

English (United States)

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Prijavite se kako biste prijavili ovu igru kompaniji Microsoft
Prijavi ovaj proizvod za ilegalni sadržaj

Odricanje od pravne odgovornosti

Ovaj prodavač je potvrdio da će nuditi samo proizvode ili usluge koje su u skladu s primjenjivim zakonima