
Za instalaciju je obavezno odobrenje administratora. Minimalni potrebni operativni sistem: Ažuriranje sistema Windows 10 za svibanj 2019.Pregledajte sistemske zahtjeve



Explore the Opaloid Kingdom and take control of a sorcerer sent on a mission to rescue the princess! Play through fast, minimalistic, old-school arcade challenges in a medieval fantasy land! Explore dark dungeons filled with monsters, travel through new towns and meet crazy wizards while fighting through obstacles that will test your skill. Like a cozy medieval fantasy tale, Opaloid Kingdom tells the story of two mages. The first one is the Azure Sorcerer that lives a simple life in Azure river town, growing herbs, foraging mushrooms, helping the villagers with the harvest and a little rain once in a while thanks to his water magic. His calm lifestyle gets interrupted when the King summons him to the castle with a request that might put his life in danger. The Crazy Wizard, a mage that lives in a fortress and used to serve the king as an advisor and ally is now the enemy of the whole crown, he lives in his secluded fortress where his monstrous pets keep him company, along with a whole company of dungeon gnomes which have built their own town inside and recognize the Crazy Wizard as his liege.

Snimci ekrana

Dodatne informacije


Desert Water Games



Datum izdavanja

8. 3. 2024.

Ocjena prema uzrastu

Za osobe od 16 godina i starije


Akcija i avantura

Aplikacija može raditi sljedeće

Pristup svim fajlovima, perifernim uređajima, aplikacijama, programima i registru
Pristupite svojoj internetskoj vezi
Ne može se instalirati na uređaju s operativnim sistemom Windows 10 u S načinu rada


Instalirajte na Windows 10 PC i ostvarite pristup kada ste povezani na Microsoft račun. Za instalaciju je obavezno odobrenje administratora

Podržani jezik

English (United States)

Informacije o izdavaču

Podrška za Opaloid Kingdom (Windows)

Prijavite ovaj proizvod

Prijavite se kako biste prijavili ovu igru kompaniji Microsoft
Prijavi ovaj proizvod za ilegalni sadržaj

Odricanje od pravne odgovornosti

Ovaj prodavač je potvrdio da će nuditi samo proizvode ili usluge koje su u skladu s primjenjivim zakonima