Dostupno na
This is a relaxing game about moving boxes on energy grids in a sci-fi setting, in order to repair the space ship which was hit by a meteor. Features: - Easy to play, exactly what you need to rest from the dynamics of big games; - Level-design with no dead ends, so you don't have to restart any level except if you really want to start anew; - Short animated cutscenes with story elements. Engine rooms include such elements as: 1. Power grid: it receives the power from the reactors. Each reactor has a distinct shape of routing the energy it contains. Objective of each level is to have every power grid cell filled with energy. 2. Coloring rays: they change the color of the reactor which it touches. Game starts with only red-colored reactors, then proceeds to include yellow-colored, blue-colored and non-colored, which must be first exposed to the coloring rays. Upon going into the coloring ray, player can lose the level. 3. Various obstacles that block the way.
Dodatne informacije
LovixsamaDatum izdavanja
14. 4. 2021.Približna veličina
175,07 MBOcjena prema uzrastu
Za osobe od 7 godina i starijeKategorija
Puzzle i kvizoviAplikacija može raditi sljedeće
Pristupite svojoj internetskoj veziInstalacija
Instalirajte na Windows 10 PC i ostvarite pristup kada ste povezani na Microsoft račun.Podržani jezik
English (United States)Informacije o izdavaču
Weg lokacija za ReactorX (for Windows 10)Podrška za ReactorX (for Windows 10)
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