Am ddimCyfleoedd i chi brynu yn yr ap
+ Cyfleoedd i chi brynu yn yr ap
Am ddim+


Are you a real detective. Try solving the murder which took place in the mansion. Read the clues and use the knowledge to find which of the suspects is the murderer. Find out where everyone was during the crime and use your brain to unravel the murder mystery. 300 free levels challenging your brain


Beth sy'n newydd yn y fersiwn hwn

2.80 New levels Removed ads 2.70 Fixed playing levels 301-400 without buying app 2.60 Fixed crash when running on Windows 10 2.50 Added 100 new levels and fixed German level 16 No fix for level 161 because it is correct :-) When person is places in room, the size is increased for lower resolutions and settings contain option to use black background for names 2.44 Added new solutions thanks to April May 2.42 Previous fix didn't work for user who bought the app. Sorry for the inconvenience 2.40 Fixed problem when level is OK. Button was not always enabled 2.32 300 levels Removed video advertisement for paid users. (Sorry for the inconvenience) 2.30 Now 230 levels


  • Solve the brainteasers by reading the clues.
  • Are you a smart detective?

Gwybodaeth ychwanegol

Cyhoeddwyd gan



Gr8Escape Software

Datblygwyd gan


Dyddiad rhyddhau


Maint bras

9.17 MB

Oed priodol

Ar gyfer plant 3 oed a hŷn


Posau a chwisiau

Gall yr ap hwn

Mynediad i'ch cysylltiad rhyngrwyd


Estynnwch yr ap hwn tra byddwch wedi mewngofnodi i'ch cyfrif Microsoft a'i osod ar hyd at 10 dyfais Windows 10.

Yr iaith mae modd delio â hi

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Nederlands (Nederland)

Gwybodaeth y Cyhoeddwr

Gwefan Brainteasers
Cymorth Brainteasers

Adrodd am y cynnyrch hwn

Mewngofnodi i riportio’r gêm hon i Microsoft
Riportio y cynnyrch hwn am gynnwys anghyfreithlon

Ymwadiad Cyfreithiol

Mae'r gwerthwr hwn wedi ardystio y byddai’n cynnig cynnyrch neu wasanaethau sy'n cydymffurfio â'r holl gyfreithiau perthnasol yn unig