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Working Together to Fight Malnutrition

tapio donates hackathon prize money to the Child Growth Monitor

What does digitization mean for the wood industry? This was the question posed at the first “Hack the Wood” hackathon (see video), which took place in May at the Microsoft Cloud Studio in Berlin under the leadership of tapio.


Das Gewinner-Team von tapio beim Hackathon „Hack the Wood“


Participants were given five tasks and asked to use modern technology to forge new paths, for example with the help of artificial intelligence and image recognition, connectivity options for the analog and digital worlds, or improved machine integration. Read this blog article to learn more about what was on the tablet at “Hack the Wood” that had participants tinkering, coding, and thinking creatively for three days.
The fact that technology is not only the driver of digitization in the business world—and in the truest sense of the word, in a “rooted” industry such as the wood industry—but also offers real added value to and precisely for underprivileged areas, is something tapio decision makers are well aware of. So they decided to put all the wood behind one arrow. In agreement with all participants and partners, the company decided on the spot to donate all of their hackathon prize money to the Child Growth Monitor.
What is the Child Growth Monitor? It is a smartphone app developed by the Welthungerhilfe health organization that takes precise measurements of children using a 3D model. With the help of cloud processing power and artificial intelligence, the data is analyzed so that malnourished children can be reliably identified and receive aid quickly. The overall goal of this development project is to increase the efficiency of efforts to fight malnutrition and analyze the success of these humanitarian projects with greater accuracy. The long-term objective is to make this app the global standard for all aid organizations.
Why did tapio decide to donate the prize money to the Child Growth Monitor project? “The project is proof that modern technology can be used to get to the bottom of a real problem and help fight malnutrition.”
On behalf of Microsoft, we would like to thank tapio for its commitment to this project—a project that is also near and dear to our hearts.
To learn more about the Child Growth Monitor, watch this short video and visit the Welthungerhilfe website.