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Improve Service Management 

Since a few months Covid-19 has kept Energy related Companys on the edge. Some have been hit harder than others. But one topic has been common: we all must change the way we’re working! At least for the next foreseeable future.


Artificial Intelligence in Europe – Germany, Outlook for 2019 and Beyond 

In recent years, mobile networks, big data and cloud computing have shaped our economy substantially. Now we can see even more far-reaching developments: Machine learning and artificial intelligence, together with the internet of things, provide the basis for smart cities, efficient energy solutions, new modes of transport and radically different ways of manufacturing.


Blockchain in der Energiewirtschaft 

Das Projekt ETH@Energy macht es vor: Erfahren Sie, wie Energieanbieter in wirtschaftlicher, technologischer und regulatorischer Hinsicht von Blockchain-Technologie profitieren.