Dieses Spiel verfügt über eine kostenlose Testversion.

9,99 €
9,99 €


In the tenth game in the series, Elephant Game gives you an exciting story about a masked villain who takes on the whole Mystery Trackers organization. A mystery man calling himself the Paxton Creek Avenger has terrorized a theater full of people. He's kidnapped your commander's daughter, and you've got to stop him! Luckily, you've got faithful Elf by your side, as well as an unknown ally. With their help and the use of a special thermal scanning device, track down the Avenger and find out what he has against the Mystery Trackers. Solve a variety of mini-games, including Match-3 and Rube Goldberg-style super puzzles. Search for clues in listed, silhouette, and interactive hidden-object puzzles.


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Veröffentlicht von

Big Fish Games


© 2021, Big Fish Games, Inc. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or logos are the property of their respective owners.

Entwickelt von

Elephant Games

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Ungefähre Größe

766,08 MB


USK ab 16 Jahren


Action & adventure

Diese App kann

Auf alle Dateien, Peripheriegeräte, Apps und Programme und die Registrierung zugreifen


Installation auf einem Windows 10-PC und Zugriff bei bestehender Verbindung mit Ihrem Microsoft-Konto

Unterstützte Sprache

English (United States)

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