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  • Live-Events

  • Aufzeichnungen

5. November

GitHub Copilot Study Guide Series 1: GitHub Copilot plans and features

In this live training course "GitHub Copilot plans and features", you'll explore the various GitHub Copilot plans, including Copilot Individual, Copilot Business, Copilot Enterprise, and Copilot Business for non-GitHub Enterprise (GHE) customers, understanding their differences and how they cater to different user needs. You'll learn about GitHub Copilot's integration within the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and the different ways to trigger it, such as chat, inline chat, suggestions, multiple suggestions, exception handling, and command-line interface (CLI). The course will also cover the main features of GitHub Copilot Chat, highlighting its effective use cases, performance improvement tips, limitations, options for code suggestions, feedback mechanisms, best practices, and available slash commands. This comprehensive overview will equip you with the knowledge to choose the right plan and utilize GitHub Copilot and Copilot Chat effectively in your development workflows. This is part of our GitHub Copilot certification series to aid in preparation for the GitHub Copilot certification.
5. November

Automation and Process Orchestration with N8n and Azure OpenAI

N8n is an automation tool that allows users to design workflows by connecting various applications and services. In this session, we will see how Azure OpenAI models can be integrated into N8n to create intelligent workflows that automate repetitive and complex tasks.
6. November

Microsoft Power Platform - Dashboard in a Day

Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, wie Sie Ihre Daten mit leistungsstarken Werkzeugen auswerten und präsentieren.
6. November

Exploring Latest Technical Trends in AI

Join a 30-minute session exploring the latest trends in AI, including generative AI, responsible AI, and automation. Learn how these advancements are transforming industries and driving innovation.
6. November

Microsoft Tech Brief: Copilot für Admins – Was Sie wissen müssen

Sie wollen mit KI und Copilot in Ihrem Unternehmen voll durchstarten? Dann schalten Sie ein zu unserem Microsoft Tech Brief. Sie erwarten praktische Tipps und Anleitungen zur Einführung von Copilot in Ihrem Unternehmen. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren Arbeitsalltag mithilfe von KI effizienter gestalten und gleichzeitig höchste Sicherheitsstandards einhalten können.
6./7. November

Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day: Accelerate Development using Azure DevOps and GitHub

Erwerben Sie die Kenntnisse, die Sie benötigen, um neue Geschäftschancen zu erschließen, und vertiefen Sie Ihr Wissen über die Microsoft Cloud-Technologien bei diesem kostenlosen Microsoft Azure Virtual Training Day von Microsoft Learn. Nehmen Sie teil am Training Day mit dem Titel „Accelerate Development Using Azure DevOps and GitHub“, und entdecken Sie die richtigen Tools und Prozesse für Ihren Umstieg auf DevOps. Wir zeigen Herausforderungen aus der Praxis und wie sowohl Administrator*innen als auch Anwender*innen diese mit Azure DevOps und GitHub lösen können.
6. November

Microsoft 365 Virtual Training Day: Prepare Your Organization for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365

Beim diesem Training Day erfahren Sie, wie Sie KI implementieren können, um die Kreativität zu fördern, die Produktivität zu steigern und Ihre Kompetenz in den Bereichen Computing und Zusammenarbeit zu stärken. Sie lernen die Funktionen von Copilot kennen, zum Beispiel die Funktionsweise, Konfiguration und Einrichtung für effektivere Suchen. Sie erfahren außerdem, wie Copilot mit Microsoft Graph und Ihren vorhandenen Microsoft 365-Anwendungen zusammenarbeitet, um intelligente Unterstützung in Echtzeit zu bieten.
6. November

Microsoft Tech Brief: Optimieren Sie Ihre Kommunikation mit Teams-Telefonie

Sie nutzen Microsoft Teams bereits für Meetings und Zusammenarbeit? Warum nicht auch als Telefonie? Im Microsoft Tech Brief erfahren Sie alles über die Integration von Festnetz und Mobilfunk in Microsoft Teams, die Vorteile von KI-gestützten Funktionen und wie Sie die Anrufqualität überwachen und optimieren können.
6. November

HR companion - Build a bot with GPT4, Azure AI Studio & MS Teams integration

In this session you'll discover how to harness the power of Generative AI to build your own intelligent HR companion bot using Azure AI Studio, seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Teams.
6. November

Unlocking the Power of Strategic Partnerships with GitHub: Insights from Top Leaders

Our discussion will dive into how enterprises can leverage GitHub’s latest enhancements—like data residency in the EU, centralized governance, and inner-source workflows—to empower teams, break down silos, and ensure compliance while accelerating software delivery. From platform engineering and reusable workflows to migration best practices and DevOps strategies, you’ll learn how these leading partners are helping organizations like yours take full advantage of GitHub’s enterprise-focused features to unlock productivity and growth.
6. November

Introduction to Microsoft Intune

In this episode, attendees will learn the fundamentals of Microsoft Intune, including what it is, how it works, and why it’s essential for managing and securing endpoints. We will cover the basics of setting up Intune, understanding the basics and the concept, and exploring key features. By the end of this episode, beginners will have a solid understanding of Intune’s capabilities.
7. November

Microsoft Power Platform - Dashboard in a Day

Erfahren Sie aus erster Hand, wie Sie Ihre Daten mit leistungsstarken Werkzeugen auswerten und präsentieren.
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30. Oktober

Petoi Robot Dog and Azure AI Model Inference API Integration

This project aims to integrate the Petoi robot dog with the Azure Inference API. The robot dog, used in STEM projects, has four legs and eight joints, all of which can move independently. The objective of this project is to enable communication with the robot dog in human language and to utilize the API to comprehend commands. A script written in Python allows the user to speak a sentence to the robot dog, which then understands and executes the corresponding command. For example, when the user says, "Hey buddy, the weather is so good and I want to walk," the robot executes the "kwkF" command to start walking. The project currently uses Azure text-to-speech and Azure Inference API. Additionally, this project is a RAG project, meaning it involves Retrieval-Augmented Generation techniques to enhance the robot's capabilities.
30. Oktober

.NET Microservices in Azure Container Apps

In this session, Ryan will show how to build, deploy and manage .NET microservices using Azure Container Apps. This session will cover how to set up a microservices architecture, improve performance and integrate smoothly with Azure.
29. Oktober

Introduction to AutoGen Studio: Building Multi-Agent Workflows with Azure OpenAI

AutoGen Studio is a low-code platform developed by Microsoft that enables building and orchestrating workflows between agents using Azure OpenAI. In this session, you will learn how to use AutoGen Studio to prototype and create AI solutions involving multiple collaborative agents. We will explore how to use the graphical interface to customize agents with language models, skills, and how to configure them to solve complex tasks autonomously.
24. Oktober

Azure product retirements: unplugged (Option 1)

Hear for the very first time from Azure engineering leaders about the process through which Azure retirements are communicated, what product retirement announcements have been recently made, and what you can expect as you navigate the migration experience.
23. Oktober

Accelerating Innovation: Improving Application Security in the Age of AI

As AI has taken the world by storm, we are seeing tremendous productivity gains and increased development speed across the public sector. However, while GitHub Copilot is a fantastic productivity tool and can help write secure code more efficiently, it is not a replacement for proper code review and application security practices. GitHub disrupted the industry by bringing our industry leading application security capabilities to the GitHub Enterprise Cloud. Today, we deliver application scanning, secret scanning, and software supply chain security and allow developers to find and fix vulnerabilities as they code, removing the need for context switching and helping to reduce noise with our high true positive rate. Additionally, with the introduction of GitHub Copilot, we've taken this a giant step further by releasing auto-remediation capabilities. "Found means fixed". Join us for this highly interactive discussion where we'll be diving into GitHub Advanced Security, addressing frequently asked questions around everything from feature functionality, security, roadmap and providing resources so that you can get started today!
23. Oktober

Building Generative AI apps with .NET and Semantic Kernel

In this technical session, participants will learn to build Generative AI applications using .NET and Semantic Kernel. The session will cover the key capabilities of Semantic Kernel and its integration with .NET to create advanced AI solutions.
17. Oktober

Working with Agents and Multi-agents using Azure OpenAI

Explore how to work with agents and multi-agents using the Azure OpenAI Assistants API. Learn to create, manage, and coordinate multiple AI agents to perform complex tasks and enhance your applications. By the end of this video, you’ll have the skills to effectively implement and deploy multi-agent systems using Azure’s powerful tools.
16. Oktober

Tech Talks - Purview, AI and AI Hub

The importance of Purview solutions in the ever-growing Data estate with special focus on AI and Purview AI Hub.
10. Oktober

Building with Small Language Models (SLMs)

The world of Small Language Models (SLMs) is a growing one. In this session, we will explore the available SLMs, the unique features of working with SLMs and how to get started. After this workshop you will have a better understand of the benefits and use cases of building with SLMs.
10. Oktober

Code-First LLMOps from prototype to production

Dive into the future of software development with the ‘GenAI for Developers’. This innovative, cutting-edge series of FREE live webinars explores the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the software development landscape.
9. Oktober

Learn Live: Modernize Your Apps Using GenAI Without Rewriting the Code

Learn how to add generative AI to your existing .NET applications seamlessly with Azure App Service. This session will show you how to enhance your apps with AI-powered features like caching and monitoring without modifying the core application code. Perfect for enterprises looking to quickly integrate AI capabilities, this talk will provide practical examples and best practices for modernizing your app portfolio efficiently.
8. Oktober

Women Founders Get Together I Securing Investment

In an era where the landscape of technology and entrepreneurship is constantly evolving, the journey of women founders and leaders in the tech industry is both inspiring and essential to the fabric of innovation. On March 27th, join us for an unparalleled online event that brings together the experiences, insights, and triumphs of women who are not just navigating but shaping the future of technology and venture capital.
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