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Diversity & Inclusion
Black, white and purple colored illustrations of man and woman with cultural attire

Asians at Microsoft

Providing the platform for a powerful network
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Our goal is to bring Microsoft ANZ’s Asian community together to support one another through career challenges and to overcome racial bias. Peer support sessions, resource groups and colourful cultural celebrations are just some of what we do.

"It's about having honest conversations, being open and transparent, and simply listening to our people." - Sneha Rao, Co-chair, Asians at Microsoft ANZ

Black, white and purple illustrations of cultural Asian buildings

From the Delta outbreak to discrimination

Find out how the Asians at Microsoft Community found strength in
togetherness when COVID-19 separated members from their loved ones.


Blue background with white snow lion

Asia Society Australia

Asia Society Australia is a business and policy think tank and membership organisation where you can learn about the challenges and opportunities faced by the Asian community in Australia.

Contact Us

If you're interested in partnering with our Microsoft ANZ communities, or learning more about what we do, get in touch.

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D&I at Microsoft ANZ
