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Microsoft Industry Blogs - Canada: Financial Services


Trends Shaping Canada’s Financial Services Industry in 2023 

If 2022 taught us anything, it was to expect the unexpected. From changing market conditions to new and evolving technology innovations, the potential of emerging tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT inside of our organizations and navigating the return to work, we faced a tremendous number of obstacles and opportunities. And yet, we came together as a


For Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan, data is at the heart of digital transformation 

Over the past few years, the financial services industry in Canada has been on an accelerated journey to digital. Institutions big and small are reshaping their digital agendas and adopting a data strategy to keep pace with changing customer expectations. While every company’s digital journey is noteworthy, the midmarket financial sector’s transformation is especially impressive


Transforming digital financial services – and making lives easier  

Every day, people discover the efficiencies and value of digital financial services. Small, incidental transactions—like depositing a refund check—can be completed in a matter of minutes, and large, life-changing financial processes—like getting a mortgage—proceed more quickly and efficiently as well. Transactions and processes can be completed from anywhere, at any time, which reduces in-person banking


Finastra creates new era of fintech using Microsoft machine learning and analytics tools 

  Created in 2017 from the combination of two long-standing companies, Finastra has already emerged as one of the largest financial technology (fintech) companies in the world, building solutions to support banking and other financial services. Finastra has made innovation its hallmark, constantly seeking new ways to use technology to improve financial services for banks


The evolution of the Chief Financial Officer 

With Digital Transformation changing the way businesses operate, executive roles are changing just as rapidly to meet today’s challenges head on. Organizations that fall behind risk losing market share to their competition.


Risk management and the cloud 

In the financial services world, both regulatory changes and increasingly complex, data-intensive modeling are creating challenges for risk teams. In Canada and around the world, regulators are mandating increased compliance, capital adequacy and reporting requirements to avoid systemic risk, improve transparency, and make markets safer for investors.


Podcast: The Future of Jobs in IT 

We are experiencing an industry revolution like no other. A digital transformation that is changing the landscape of jobs as we know it.


Unlocking innovation in Canada – the time to act is now! 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the defining technology of our time. Organizations that take advantage of all that it has to offer are arming themselves to compete now and in the future. A recent study of European leaders highlights how businesses that are actively implementing AI are more than twice as likely to be high-growth companies.


Building Digital Resilience 

How can we protect ourselves in this new digital era? It’s a question that many businesses and governments are asking worldwide. In the digital world we live in today, there is a tremendous amount of opportunity.


Delivering innovation to Canadian tables 

When it comes to groceries, Canadians want it all – a big selection of high-quality food at low prices (and with sales and loyalty benefits with purchase). Couple that with the increasing desire for food to come from local and ethical sources and for organic or prepared foods, it’s no wonder that Statistica estimates annual retail sales of food and beverage in Canada at $188 billion.


First West Credit Union is transforming how teams work using the Microsoft Cloud 

As a technology leader, I wouldn’t have expected that I would one day be helping to design our new head office. But that’s just one of the ways that the rubber really hits the road when it comes to digital transformation. At First West Credit Union, our journey has taken us from thinking about tools