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Beeye, the organizational super-planner

Stylized boardroom photo with Beeye and Microsoft for Startups logos

Founded in 2014, Beeye (pronounced BI, like business intelligence) is a fast-growing Canadian startup dedicated to increasing organizational performance through better planning. Built and delivered with Microsoft technology, this smart project and resource management platform gives leaders unprecedented visibility into projects and teams.

People planning

For anyone who organizes and deploys teams to projects, people planning can prove challenging. Never mind customer issues, most business managers contend with a constant barrage of internal demands, headaches, and people issues. When it comes to assigning people to projects, managers end up juggling several spreadsheets to understand who to assign to what.

“Writers have Word. Designers have Photoshop. But what app do leaders have to manage their teams and projects? Excel is great, but becomes impractical when you reach a certain size.” – Adrien Sicard, Founder & CEO

Tech to the rescue

Beeye represents a whole new generation of SaaS business-to-business applications that help focus and inform better decision-making. By harnessing the hyperscale power of solutions hosted in state-of-the-art datacenters, organizations of any size can empower their managers with transformative tools. They can break down silos. Do away with ad hoc, last-minute reporting. And shed light on who’s doing what, at last!

“Even with all the transformative technology available to businesses, many managers still do everything the hard way, pulling together manual reports and making pivotal decisions based on instincts, not data.” – David Oudiette, Sales Operations Management

The Beeye platform, as seen on a Microsoft Surface

Enter Beeye

Ideal for services companies in search of more agility, productivity, and transparency, Beeye combines business intelligence tools, with task management, collaboration, time tracking, forecasting, and scheduling functionality. The best part? Despite the broad capabilities, this solution is far simpler and more flexible than most. Click the video below to watch an overview of the Beeye platform.

Azure behind the scenes

An early adopter of Azure services in Canada, Beeye relies on end-to-end Microsoft cloud technologies to deliver its solution, including:

  • Visual Studio for development
  • App Service for web/mobile app delivery
  • Active Directory for identity management
  • Service Bus for cloud messaging
  • Azure Cosmos DB for querying and transaction-processing
  • SQL Database for database services
  • Power BI for business intelligence functionality

Collectively, these technologies work seamlessly and efficiently to deliver a smooth, reliable, and secure user experience to Beeye customers.

“Every time we speak to a new client and they hear we run on Microsoft technology, everyone relaxes. Using Azure gives us instant credibility. We’re not some startup offering stuff from their basement.” – Antoine Lemaitre, Customer Success

Security & compliance

Safely under lock and key in Microsoft’s state-of-the-art datacenters, Beeye users benefit from enterprise-grade security measures—from monitoring by world-class cybersecurity experts, to rigorous physical security. These measures allow Beeye to satisfy the rigorous regulatory compliance demands in Quebec and beyond.

“Our private and public-sector clients must meet strict compliance standards, including data residency rules. In large part, Microsoft’s local datacenters with enterprise-grade security enable our compliance.” – Baptiste Guivarch, Product Management

A disruptor on the rise

Speaking of clients, Beeye has come a long way, fast—attracting some high-profile customers. For example, Desjardins—the largest cooperative financial group in Canada—has several lines of business with deployment projects underway. And RCGT, the famed business accounting firm, also uses it to optimize their operations. In fact, Beeye has achieved considerable growth with accounting firms, as well as industries such as architecture and engineering.

Beeye partnerships, as shown through several logos

Built on relationships

So how does a bootstrapped startup attract such prestigious clients? Brand-building partnerships, for one. Since its founding, Beeye has pursued and built numerous key relationships, including participating in Microsoft for Startups. And awards help, too. Beeye earned numerous distinctions, including several high-profile startup contests.

“We started out with no funds and a big idea. We bet everything on Microsoft technology, specifically Azure cloud services. Four years later, we’re poised to go global—into the U.S. and the EU.” – Adrien Sicard, Founder & CEO

A bright future

What comes next for Beeye? Predictive modeling, for one. The company is currently working on several machine learning/big data initiatives and plans to use Azure ML to add a predictive capacity to their platform.

“We’ve experimented with Azure ML now and find it cool and easy to use. This service is a good example of how Azure allows us to explore and get creative with technology and get useful results.” – Yury Doroshenko, Development

Image of Beeye team

Meet the team

Based out of Montreal, Beeye was founded by Yury Doroshenko, Julie Delisle, Adrien Sicard, and Antoine Lemaitre. This talented team of professional engineers and project managers saw the unmet need for a better business management app. And so, with the assistance of some grants and loans, they left behind consulting jobs in the corporate world to build Beeye.

“Microsoft has been one of the most important relationships for us, on a technology, business, and brand level. Other entrepreneurs should not overlook the value of what they bring.” – Yury Doroshenko, Development

A Microsoft for Startups project

Beeye received support from Microsoft for Startups, which provides promising startups with software, service, support, marketing expertise and cloud services—all designed to help them launch successfully. Check out these cool stories of other entrepreneurs who received assistance from Microsoft.

Do you run a startup?

Learn how Microsoft for Startups works. This program provides qualified privately held startups with development and testing software; training; phone support; Azure services, plus go-to-market business networking opportunities. To qualify, your startup must be less than five years old and earn less than US $1 million annually.