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Don’t let this happen to you! Practice Business Self-Defense instead!

Graphic with text that reads 43% of cyber attacks target small business. 60% shut down.

Welcome to Day 21 of Business Self-Defense from Microsoft Canada. Today, we spotlight the new Business Self-Defense flipbook! This interactive visual guide to the modern threat landscape covers some very important territory. Help your team understand and avoid the most common threats to small and medium-sized businesses.

Download your copy of “Modern Threats to Small Business: Why you should practice “Business Self-Defense” now.

 Part 1 -> Security realities

Part 1 starts with some questions to test the audience’s knowledge. Then it summarizes the modern threat landscape for small and medium-sized businesses. It describes the growing concern about security, outlines many of the most common threats (phishing, ransomware, etc.), and spells out the high cost of breaches.

Part 2 -> Demystifying common threats

The second part of this flipbook explains how the IT security landscape has changed and then delves into common breach techniques and the anatomy of typical attack.

Part 3 -> How the cloud can help

The third and final part of the flipbook describes the elements that you need in a modern security strategy and how trusted cloud services fit in. It then summarizes the six key takeaways for you and your team to prioritize.

Free ebook offer

Cover of the "Modern threats to small business" ebook by MicrosoftDownload your copy of “Modern Threats to Small Business: Why you should practice “Business Self-Defense” now.