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Microsoft Canada’s Business Self-Defense… 22 days of security tips all in one place!

Graphic with text that reads Don't wait for disaster! Learn Business Self-Defense

In support of Small Business Month in Canada, we’re sharing security tips every business day this October. From phishing to mobile security, these Business Self-Defense tips cover many real-world security challenges small and medium-sized businesses face. For your convenience, this post shares all 22 in one place, plus the ebook!

Did you know that the majority of cyber attacks in Canada target small businesses? Don’t be passive! Learn to practice Business Self-Defense instead!

Business Self-Defense

Doodle of a laptop getting stolen with the headline A laptop is stolen every 53 seconds!1 -> “Watch it! Secure your devices before your data gets swiped







Graphic with text about common user security errors that reads: 30% open phishing emails and 10% open links & attachments2 -> “It only takes a click… the small business risk checklist







A graphic with text that reads 90% of data leakage is caused by user mistakes.3 -> “We all make mistakes… 10 security don’ts to help you avoid big trouble







Lock graphic with text that reads 64% of passwords are weak, default, or stolen.4 -> “Still sharing passwords? Yikes! Train your employees on security basics







Graphic with text that reads 4 billion records exposed in the last year5 -> “3 basic Azure security services to help you sleep better at night







Graphic with text that reads It only takes a hacker 4 minutes to get into your WIFI network.


6 -> “10 ways to stay secure on the go







Graphic with text that reads 55,000 devices per month were compromised in 20167 -> “Defend your devices! Three steps to BLOCK phishing scams







Graphic that reads 90% of small business don't use data protection for customer info


8 -> “Protect your reputation! Leverage the best of Microsoft in one secure bundle







Graphic with text that reads 1 in 4 small business believe they are safe from cyber threats!9 -> “You’re not alone. Stop worrying & start playing it safe when it comes to your data







Graphic with text that reads 1 in 5 small & medium size business is targeted.10 -> “Who’s watching your mobile security? Protecting a connected company







Graphic with text that reads Only 4% SaaS storage 3% SaaS collaboration support ALL HTTP headers session protection11 -> “Enterprise security made affordable at last!







Graphic with text that reads 140+ days between infiltration and detection


12 -> “Who still has access? 3 security steps to manage employee/contractor turnover







Graphic that reads 79% of SaaS storage 86% of SaaS collaboration apps don't encrypt data at rest or in transit13 -> “Cloud control. How working remotely & securely changes everything







Graphic with text that reads 80% of employees use non-approved SaaS apps known as shadow IT14 -> “Who owns the data? Ask Cinchy, the startup democratizing data







Graphic with text that reads 4 billion records exposed in the last year15 -> “Don’t get breached! Learn the true value of security







Graphic with text that reads 45% of companies lack data governance & risk exposure to security & litigation16 -> “The compliance opportunity







Graphic with text that reads 35% of EU companies report data breaches in compliance with GDPR17 -> “Need to comply with GDPR? Get an action plan!







Graphic with text that reads 52% of large organizations reported a data breach in the last 12 months18 -> “Better security, lower fees, & other reasons to fall in love with blockchain







Graphic with the text SMBs save $20K per year, boost productivity by 22% & cut staff turnover by 50%19 -> “What an upside! Make working remotely secure & successful







Graphic with text that reads 286 days to detect a breach by email + 80 days of damage control 20 -> “Built-in security… and nine other reasons to upgrade to Windows 10







Graphic with text that reads 43% of cyber attacks target small business. 60% shut down.21 -> “Don’t let this happen to you! Practice Business Self-Defense instead!







Graphic with text that reads 80% of the global workforce are firstline workers & half work for SMBs22 -> “Protect your people! Secure your business in Microsoft’s cloud







Free ebook offer

Cover of the "Modern threats to small business" ebook by MicrosoftDownload your copy of “Modern Threats to Small Business: Why you should practice “Business Self-Defense” now.