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Zero Trust for networking

Top-down view of a bearded man in a gray/blue shirt seated at a desk working on a Surface laptop connected to three large monitors.

Over the last year, the demand for cloud-based services and applications has dramatically increased and the need to scale pushed to new levels. We are moving away from an era where networks were clearly defined and usually specific to a certain location. Now there isn’t necessarily a contained/defined network to secure, but instead a vast portfolio of devices and networks, all linked by the cloud. Cybercriminals however are taking advantage of this shift, with increase occurring in DDoS attacks, ransomware and phishing campaigns.

With the trend organizations are looking towards a Zero Trust model, where instead of believing everything behind the corporate firewall is safe, the Zero Trust strategy principals Verify explicitly, Use Least-privileged access and Assume Breach.

In the Zero Trust model for Networks, there are three key objectives:

  1. Be Ready to handle attacks before they happen
  2. Minimize the extent of the damage and how fast it spreads
  3. Increase the difficulties of compromising your cloud footprint

As organizations look to deployment Zero Trust framework for securing networks:

  1. Network Segmentation: This includes apps and virtual network segmentation which aims to reduce the attack surface and prevent attackers from moving laterally.
  2. Encryption: Enforcing encryption on the communication channel between user-to-app or app-to-app with industry standards like TLS/SSL.
  1. Threat protection: Employing threat intelligence to help minimize risk from the most sophisticated attacks like bots and malware.

Get Started on your Zero Trust journey for Networks

  1. Watch our Zero Trust approach to secure your cloud and hybrid networks webinar
  2. Evaluate your current Zero Trust maturity stage to determine where your organization is and how to move to the next stage

Access the Zero Trust Deployment Guide for Networks for detailed deployment guidance.