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Finding my voice

Alex Durel Wilcox

Marketing Coordinator

WPP Group on behalf of Microsoft Canada

Headshot of Alex Durel Wilcox

I’ve always believed that we should be honest and true to ourselves and that even if we’re “different,” those who love us will find their way into our lives. Sometimes this isn’t always the case and trying to stay true to yourself is easier said than done.

Before I moved to Canada, I was a digital communications teacher in France. I taught my students to discover who they truly are and pushed them to see their own potential. However, in Europe, I felt the norm for adults was different. I felt as though I had to put on a persona – a perfect, happy self, even if it wasn’t the truth. What I was teaching to my students was something I wasn’t applying to myself.

The journey of self-discovery, especially when you’re queer, is confusing and requires baby steps. I struggled with the belief that it’s important to live your truth, while not wanting to bother or confuse anyone. I was confused myself and didn’t want to put what I thought would be a burden on others. I tried to keep my professional life and personal life separate, but later realized that these things shouldn’t be disconnected. Work is a large part of our lives and the people we work with should know us, and accept us, as we are so that we can be confident and authentic to ourselves.

When I moved to Canada, while it felt like a fresh start, I still struggled to truly be myself. I was so used to keeping my personal and professional lives separate, it was hard to overcome that. However, once I started at Microsoft, I felt for the first time that I was part of a team that truly cared for each other and saw me for me. With their support, I realized my true identity in the queer community at work. They also gave me the confidence to reintroduce myself with my preferred name and pronouns. Microsoft even changed my email alias to my preferred name, which was incredible to see and meant a lot to me.

Alex Durel Wilcox is speaking with Media

While that was a huge step, what was truly breathtaking was the support from my peers after reintroducing myself. I had expected people to have negative reactions or have questions, but everyone was so supportive and understanding. I even had some people reach out to me saying they were inspired by me! I’ve never felt as safe and welcome in a workplace as I have at Microsoft. The organization ensures employees’ comfort comes first. Diversity and inclusion aren’t points to sell a product but a testament of the people who work within the company that make it a great place.

"While I always believed it for others, I now know that I am truly supported and cared about as my authentic self, without question, at home and at work. "

Thinking back to my days as a teacher in France and what I would teach my students, I’m finally taking the steps to help me realize my own potential and be who I am, surrounded by peers who embrace me as I am.

#Culture   #GrowthAndDevelopment   #DiversityAndInclusion