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Things fall into place when you plan for it

Arlene Ebora

Principal Program Manager, Azure Customer Experience

Microsoft Canada

Arlene as a child next to a computer

Moving to Canada has always been a goal of mine. Most of my dad’s family immigrated here from the Philippines in the late 1970’s. My grandmother came over with most of my aunts and uncles at the time, but my dad, who was over 21, was unable to move due to the age limit requirement. At a young age, he said goodbye to his family, lived in the Philippines until he could come to Canada on his own one day.

He had the intention of immigrating to Canada, but over the years it became less attainable as he started working in Saudi Arabia and caring for his own family. While I was growing up, his goal of moving to Canada eventually became mine. My mom being a teacher had perfectly laid out the path for me – get a degree, get a great job and bring my family to Canada became a personal mission.

I applied to Microsoft when my visa was approved in 2007. I was browsing the Microsoft Careers page and came across the perfect position for me – “Technical Support Manager” in Winnipeg, Manitoba – where my dad’s family lives. It was the exact role and the exact title as the position I was working in the Philippines. It was serendipitous and applying for the job was a no-brainer.

I immigrated to Canada in 2007 when I was 27 years old. I came with two suitcases of clothes and lived in my uncle’s basement. The morning after I landed, I received my job offer at Microsoft. It’s fair to say that my life in Canada started at the same time as my life at Microsoft. Technically speaking, I grew up here.

Some might call the position and landing the job luck, but if I didn’t have the experience, the opportunity wouldn’t have been open to me. Seneca, a famous philosopher once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Luck doesn’t just happen. You need to prepare for something, you need to work for something, and then when the opportunity happens, it happens.

"For an immigrant, there is always this feeling that you can’t fail. You always need to put more effort forward because simply, you can’t afford to fail."

In hindsight, I see now that I was always working for something. I worked hard to go to school, I worked hard to get the skills and experience I needed to land a dream job, and I worked hard to make my personal mission of reuniting my family a reality.

Microsoft was the key enabler, financially and intellectually, in helping me accomplish my life’s mission and bring my parents to Canada. As of October 2021, they are now Canadian citizens. It was a 40 year-long journey, and one I am most proud of.

My advice to anyone looking to build a future for themselves and their family, is to do the best that you can. Make sure you have vision, focus, and know what is important to you and why. Stay determined and when the opportunity comes, you will recognize it as if the universe is speaking directly to you. When it does, be ready to take it.

Arlene at her wedding
Arlene in NewZealand

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