Trace Id is missing

What makes us human

Hayley Elsaesser

Creative Director


Hayley Elsaesser in front of a big laptop shaped cutout

Launching a business is no easy task and managing it, on my own, in a pandemic has only made it more complex and challenging. Just prior to the pandemic, in March 2020, I decided to close my physical storefront on Queen St. W. in Toronto to reduce my environmental footprint. I moved my entire business online.

I went from seeing my amazing customers daily to having to pivot to a fully online business model. While I am incredibly grateful for the progress made with HAYLEY ELSAESSER, working alone and in a remote world had me feeling isolated and alone. I regularly struggle with my anxiety, and the pandemic had a significant impact not only on my business, but also my mental health.

It’s difficult to manage these aspects of life when you’re trying to maintain a professional image; however, a big part of getting through these challenges was having a support system and other business owners that could relate. You’re not alone.

Everyone is affected by mental health, which is why using my brand as a platform to talk about it is so important to me. While I am very open about who I am, it was difficult for me to release the collection that spotlights mental health issues because it was so personal. But I also know it’s important to destigmatize conversations around mental health so that people don’t struggle in silence.

"Struggling with mental health is normal, and we should talk about it. It is part of what makes us human."

I’ve realized now that you don’t necessarily get tougher as you go through challenges; your world and perspective simply get bigger. I’ve learned skills to adapt to new and uncertain times, and I’ve learned to prioritize self-love and care. I am a creative through and through, and when you make creativity your job, it can be difficult to find joy in it all the time. To spark my passion in these times, I set up time to do creative tasks – not related to my company, but just for fun. This has been anything from painting, to trying out new mediums, or experimenting with materials I own. Flexing my creative skills even if there is no intended result is what truly fulfills me and makes me feel confident and proud. I have also prioritized self-love and staying authentic to who I am by working on my personal growth on my own terms. While the pandemic has presented many challenges in different aspects of my life, it’s also brought out a more human aspect. I’ve learned to set boundaries for myself and get back to doing what I love.

Hayley Elsaesser dancing and enjoying with her friends
Hayley Elsaesser is checking the clothes in store with a tablet in her hand
