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Unconventional journeys also lead to success

Karen Truyens

General Manager, Strategic Client Executive, Education, ON

Microsoft Canada

 Karen Truyens clad in winter clothing and a reflective safety vest stands amidst a snowy forest, with bare trees

Throughout my 29-year career at Microsoft I have faced a number of challenges, the largest one being self-doubt. I started my journey at Microsoft in the mailroom with a conventional approach to work, reluctant to share that I did not complete a post-secondary education, which intensified my imposter syndrome. I have certainly experienced fear and uncertainty in my journey, but my experience has strengthened my fortitude, tenacity, patience, and gratitude. I now share my story as proof that there are various routes for success.

My strategy for establishing relationships with clients is to discover what is essential to them and make it a top priority. Honesty and authenticity are key to building trust and making real connections. I have worked with customers for many years and strive to always put their needs first and represent their voice to help ideate and guide Microsoft solutions for Education.

“Get comfortable being uncomfortable.”

Throughout my journey, I have met excellent leaders, mentors, and coworkers who have supported my growth and encouraged me to embrace change. Best career advice I have received? Value your strengths, learn and use other’s strengths, and celebrate the wins.

My own advice to anyone passing through this journey and suffering from self doubt is to lead with courage and be your authentic self. And as instructors reminded during a ride one day, “Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” ― David McCullough Jr.! Find the right balance between hard work and belief in oneself, and don’t be afraid to fail, it is the best opportunity to learn to be better. As Brene Brown once said, “stay awkward, brave, and kind!”

I would sum up my story with one word: "believable". My journey may not have been conventional, but I am proud of what I have learned and accomplished and I believe that we can all achieve success.

Karen Truyens and her six other colleagues in business attire stand in front of a large window with artistic wall decor to the side
Karen Truyens with a man and a dog stand by a lake’s edge with a mountain in the distance

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