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Do it because it's worth it

Tiffany Witcher

Accessibility Advocate


A character dressed in a purple witch outfit holds a luminous magical object in a room with an open window revealing panoramic views of the mountains under an ethereal sky

My mother is my inspiration to always care for and help others. She always helped people in any way she could – from volunteering at Girl Scouts to doing charity walks for cancer. It wasn’t until her funeral in 2017 that I realized how much of an impact she had made. Many people came to show their support and to share how they were personally impacted by my mom’s caring nature. My mother inspired me to help others and there was no better way to honour her than by following in her footsteps of empathy and consideration.

I make sure this shows up in the way I drive impact by advocating for accessibility in games so everyone can enjoy them, while also raising money for organizations and charities that I support and believe in. My personal goal is to raise $100,000 for a charity. I’m almost halfway to that goal and what keeps me going is that I am inspired by how these initiatives change lives for the better. 

"I hope that I can inspire others to make a difference in their own community by doing what they love for the causes they believe in."

I’ve brought together my values and passions through work. I started out by hosting charity tables at anime conventions and now I advocate for accessibility in gaming while hosting charity streams for video games.  I’m proud to say I’ve founded a Twitch Team called the Chaos Covenant. The team is made up of V-tubers (those who present themselves as virtual avatars), who also want to do good and raise money for important causes. During Black History Month, our team is doing a charity stream in support of the National Black Trans Coalition organization. I am also an accessibility advocate and believe that accessibility should be the foundation of video gaming. I want to raise awareness and initiate the conversation around why accessibility is so important. I try to be the voice for my audience to ensure anyone can play and enjoy gaming by offering direct and honest reviews on how games can be more accessible.

The advice I’d give to others who want to drive impact is to find what inspires you, stay humble, and drive impact. Do something because you’re doing it for the good of others and the world and because you know it’s worth it. My journey is guided by those that have inspired me and my mission to inspire myself, and others. I hope sharing it can inspire others to speak up, act, and drive change in their own lives every day. 

Tiffany Witcher wearing a blue colored coat
A character in purple witch attire sits on an ornate purple throne in a dimly lit room

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