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"“MAKE A CONTRACT WITH ME AND BECOME A MAGICAL GIRL!” Madoka Kaname is an eighth-grader who leads a peaceful, fun-filled life as a student, surrounded by her beloved family and her best friends. One day, a transfer student named Homura Akemi arrives in Madoka’s class. She is a dark-haired beauty with a somewhat mysterious disposition. Soon after meeting Madoka for the first time, Homura goes on to issue Madoka a strange warning. Madoka also meets Kyubey, a mysterious looking white creature. He says, “Make a contract with me and become a magical girl!” To make any wish come true – Madoka didn’t know the meaning of this miracle nor what its cost may prove to be. An impending loss triggers a drastic change in her destiny…"
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EnglishEnglish (CC)
Released year
2 h 11 minGenres
7.33 GB (1080p HD)4.6 GB (720p HD)
3.68 GB (SD)