Sam & Mattie Make a Zombie Movie
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Sam & Mattie, two badass best friends with Down Syndrome, rally the entire town of Providence RI to help them realize their vision: an extremely questionable and violent teen zombie movie called Spring Break Zombie Massacre. After their successful kickstarter campaign goes viral, Sam's brother Jesse and his friends realize how unprepared they were to make a film of this scale, but agree to stick to Sam & Mattie's uncompromising vision at all costs. After a DIY premiere, the film attracts incredible national press and fanfare, before being rejected from nearly every film festival it's submitted to. Eventually, the attention fades, and Sam & Mattie's lives return to a quiet normal. Years later, the team picks back up their cameras to ask Sam & Mattie whether or not they think the film was a failure. They tearfully, and wisely explain that: no, in fact, it was a massive success -- the film was only ever a reason to hang out. They agree to make a sequel, so they can do it all again.

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Jesse Suchmann
Robert Carnevale




English (CC)

Released year



1 h 47 min




5.99 GB (1080p HD)
3.76 GB (720p HD)
3.01 GB (SD)

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