In the summer of 2023, a curious set of videos crept into social media platforms. Telegram feeds that normally promoted pro-Kremlin narratives suddenly began promoting a film called “Olympics Has Fallen.” Users were encouraged to scan a QR code that directed them to a Telegram channel of the same name. Upon arriving at this channel, viewers encountered a feature-length film with a similar aesthetic and a play on the title of the American political action movie “Olympus Has Fallen,” released more than a decade earlier.1 AI-generated audio impersonating the voice of film actor Tom Cruise narrated a strange, meandering script disparaging the International Olympic Committee’s leadership.
Nearly a year later and with less than 80 days until the opening of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) has observed a network of Russia-affiliated actors pursuing a range of malign influence campaigns against France, French President Emmanuel Marcon, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and the Paris Games. These campaigns may forewarn coming online threats to this summer’s international competition.
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