Browse smarter with your personal AI companion. Whether you're reading an article, watching a video, or exploring a website, you can ask Copilot anything and get quick, relevant answers without ever leaving the page. Copilot can respond via chat or voice. Simply click . to get started.
Browse smarter with your personal AI companion. Whether you're reading an article, watching a video, or exploring a website, you can ask Copilot anything and get quick, relevant answers without ever leaving the page. Copilot can respond via chat or voice. Simply click . to get started.
You can choose to give Copilot permission to use your chats, Bing, and MSN activity, and any inferred interests for more personalized experiences.
Just click 'More options' (stacked triple-dots) at the top of your Copilot window. Then go to Personalization and toggle on 'Share data across Copilot'.
You can give Copilot permission to reference the content of webpages when you ask a question, including summarizing pages, documents, and videos. Just click 'More options' (stacked triple-dots) at the top of your Copilot window. Then go to Settings and toggle on 'Allow Copilot' to read context clues on the web. You only need to turn on this setting once to configure it, and you can turn it off at any time.
You can get priority access to the latest AI models, higher usage limits, and early access to new features by signing up for Copilot Pro.
* Feature availability and functionality may vary by device type, market and browser version.