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Microsoft is relentless about security

When you think about “cybersecurity,” what comes to mind?

The truth is that cybersecurity isn’t one monolithic concept. It’s a combination of several disciplines — and most people are lucky if they can manage to master one. Unfortunately, focusing on just one area isn’t going to cut it. That’s like triple-bolting the door, then leaving the window wide-open.

Whether your store your data in the Microsoft cloud or via some other system, there some essential security questions every business should ask about their data security:

  • Is your data encrypted? The Web is full of people trying to peek at your data, from criminals to law enforcement agencies. It’s essential that your data be encrypted so that it won’t be accessible, even if the worst should happen. Does your storage solution encrypt your data at rest? How about when in transit? Is the encryption strong enough to be suitable for UK government documents up to the OFFICIAL – SENSITIVE level?
  • Are you able to manage staff access to data? Almost two-thirds of enterprise data leaks are the result of employees either maliciously or accidentally releasing confidential data. One of the easiest ways to prevent those leaks is by tightly managing employee access to critical data on a file level. Are you able to easily control and manage the use of cloud resources, restricting access to users? Are you able to limit access to the devices that you specify?
  • Are you able to get security feature details? Does your cloud provider disclose the security features of their software and data centres? Can you get specific details on where and how your data will be stored?

We’re proud to say we can answer “yes” to all the questions above. All our cloud services are designed, developed and operated to ensure customer data is secure. We begin working on security measures early in a product’s life. And we never stop. We are relentless.

That shouldn’t just be our standard. Any company offering a cloud service ought to be able to say the same.

Learn more about data security and best-in-class cloud services