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Microsoft knows it’s your data

Your data belongs to you. That might sound obvious, but you don’t need to look very hard these days to find tech companies who disagree. Microsoft isn’t one of them.

We know it’s your data.

Your data doesn’t stop being your data just because it’s on our servers. We will only use your data to provide the cloud services you purchase. If you store data through any of our cloud services, we respect your ownership of that data at every step of the way. We don’t scan it. We don’t share it. We don’t exploit it.

That means:

  • We’re transparent about how your data is stored. You can learn about our security standards online, as well as explore data location maps, examine service level information and understand the key privacy and security commitments we make to all our cloud service customers.
  • You always control access. You control which accounts from your domain can access the data you store with us, using the same sets of permissions and controls that you likely use today, using your Active Directory federated to our services in the cloud.
  • We protect your data while it’s moving to and from our servers. Nobody gets to sneak a peak in transit.
  • You get to decide what devices can be used to access your data. You’ll get numerous features built into our services which give you and your administrators the ability to manage your data. For government use at the OFFICIAL security level, we strongly recommend following the End User Device guidance to configure and manage your devices and the browser configuration security guidance to ensure your end devices are protected.
  • We don’t grant governments a free pass to see your data. Microsoft does not provide any government or any other third party with direct and unfettered access to its customer’s data and does not provide any means of circumventing encryption protecting customer data.

It’s simple: We only use customer data to provide customers with cloud services. That’s it. That shouldn’t just be our standard. Every cloud provider should be able to able to say the same.

Learn more about data privacy and best-in-class cloud services